雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. 2024年4月26日 · On April 27, the Beijing Humanoid Robot Innovation Center released the world's first full-size humanoid robot “Tiangong” with pure electric drive and anthropomorphic running, which can run stably at a speed of 6 km/h. This is also its self-developed general humanoid ...

  2. Game Station and AMC Cinemas both rose by about 100%; China Securities generally fell before the market, and Ali fell nearly 5%. Tesla's layoffs to the core? The fate of the overcharged team has been reversed, and Musk is recalling it again! Spotgold traded as low as $4 to $2323.18 per ounce on Monday.

  3. 快訊 · 04/28 01:42. NVDA -0.46% MSFT +0.34% META +0.68% TSLA -3.48% 當地時間4月26日,美國國土安全部(DHS)宣佈成立AI安全委員會,以指導美國關鍵基礎設施安全地使用AI。 該委員會的22名成員中包含不少AI領域的業界和學界巨頭,例如OpenAI的CEO薩姆·奧特曼(Sam Altman)、英偉達CEO黃仁勳、微軟CEO薩蒂亞·納德拉(Satya Nadella)以及斯坦福大學教授李飛飛。 美國國土安全部部長馬約卡斯(Alejandro Mayorkas)在媒體電話會上表示,該委員會將針對如何在16個關鍵的基礎設施領域中有效部署AI提供建議,這16個基礎設施領域包括“國防、能源運輸、信息技術和金融服務,還有食品和農業等等”。

  4. 截至發稿,南向資金淨流入超80億港元,其中,港股通(滬)淨流入超49億港元,港股通(深)淨流入超31億港元。 本頁的譯文內容由軟件翻譯。富途將竭力但卻不能保證翻譯內容之準確和可靠,亦不會承擔因任何不準確或遺漏而引起的任何損失或損害。

  5. 今年以來,券商板塊上市公司頻頻宣佈回購股份。近日發佈的新“國九條”明確“引導上市公司回購股份後依法註銷”。證監會此前也多次提出,推動優質上市公司積極開展股份回購,引導更多公司回購註銷。“券商回購的積極影響主要體現在提振投資者信心、響應政策號召等方面。

  6. 2024年4月26日 · Breakings · Apr 26 06:56. On April 26, the opening ceremony of L'Oréal Suzhou Intelligent Operation Center was held, marking the official launch of L'Oréal Group's first intelligent operation center. The Suzhou Intelligent Operation Center is located in Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province, covering an area of 46,000 square meters.

  7. 2024年4月27日 · Breakings · Apr 27 04:44. Cui Dongshu, Secretary General of the China Passenger Federation, wrote that recently, 7 departments including the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Finance jointly issued the “Automobile Trade-In Subsidies Implementation Rules”, clarifying the automobile trade-in financial subsidy policy.

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