雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年9月1日 · 大部份Citi信用卡年薪要求為12萬,包括:Citi Cash Back Card、Citi PremierMiles 信用卡、Citi 八達通白金卡、Citi Rewards 信用卡、Citi HKTVmall 信用卡。. Citibank信用卡提供旅遊、網購、飲食簽賬優惠;Citi信用卡亦會提供演唱會優先訂票、戲院及交稅優惠!. MoneyHero將整合Citi ...

  2. 2024年9月3日 · MoneyHero比較市面上近50份旅遊保險,購買指定旅遊保險可享獨家優惠低至5折,個別計劃更有機會送人壽保障或超市禮券。. 快快bookmark,捕捉最平、保障又全面的旅遊保險!. (9月更新). 旅遊保險優惠2024:MoneyHero精選. (按以下連結快速跳至該段落). Allianz安聯 ...

  3. 2024年9月1日 · Citi信用卡限時優惠! 迎新簽賬門檻減至簽HK$4,000回HK$5,600. 今個月MoneyHero獨家優惠! 指定Citi信用卡發卡後30日內簽滿HK$4,000,可獲高達HK$5,600的獎賞. 💰MoneyHero獨家優惠:【豐富獎賞任你揀,價值高達HK$5,600! 】即日起至2024年9月16日中午12時,Citibank信用卡新客戶經本網申請指定Citibank信用卡,於2024年11月2日或之前獲有關銀行批核,成功批卡後7日內填寫奬賞換領表格並於批卡後1個月內簽賬滿HK$4,000,可享以下禮品: - LEGEND WALKER X-Class 31吋 可擴充前開蓋拉鏈行李箱(價值HK$5,600;顏色隨機) /.

  4. 2024年8月26日 · 旅遊保險邊間好2024:比較40+份次及全年旅遊保險價錢及受保範圍

  5. 2024年8月20日 · According to Section 4 of the Motor Vehicles Insurance (Third Party Risks) Ordinance (Cap. 272), it is illegal for any person to use, or to permit others to use, a motor vehicle on the road without an in-force third party risk insurance. Any violation may lead to a fine of HK$10,000 and 12 months of imprisonment.

  6. 2024年8月21日 · In general, the private car annual examination fee (including Government vehicle examination centre fees) is around HK$1,000-HK$2,000. For LGV, it is even exceeding HK$2,000, which is double or triple of a private car examination, and does not include the cost of repair/replacement items.

  7. 2024年8月20日 · What is NCD? NCD is a premium discount offered to a policyholder for not claiming for a certain period of time. NCD is the same as No Claim Bonus (NCB); just the wording differs. As NCD is a form of premium reduction, not a monetary reward, NCD is more commonly used to show its discount feature.

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