雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 外幣電匯兌換率. 上述參考匯率只供參考之用。. 每筆交易的實際匯率將在交易時由本行確定,本行可根據客戶所選擇之服務和本行實際營運開支徵收費用及/或額外差價。. 本網站使用Cookies來改善您的瀏覽體驗。. 如果您繼續瀏覽本網站,即表示您同意本網站使用 ...

  2. 5 天前 · Foreign Currency T/T Exchange Rates. The exchanges rates above are provided solely for reference purposes. The actual exchange rate for each transaction will be determined by the Bank at the time such transaction is effected and may be subject to fees and charges and/or additional mark-up depending on the banking services selected by the ...

  3. 重要資訊. 東亞銀行調高美元標準儲蓄存款利率. 由2022年11月17日起,本行之美元標準儲蓄存款利率 (存款額美元1,000元或以上)將由目前的0.001厘調高至0.25厘。. 本網站使用Cookies來改善您的瀏覽體驗。. 如果您繼續瀏覽本網站,即表示您同意本網站使用Cookies。. 如欲 ...

  4. Website. https://www.hkbea.com. Bank of East Asia. Latest: 2024-07-15 20:40:00 HKT. All rates exclude service fees charged by banks and service providers. Information for reference only. Please contact individual companies for the latest rates and availability. Darker rate color denotes rate was recently updated. Bank of East Asia Exchange Rates.

  5. 5 天前 · 最新:2024-07-15 11:30:00 HKT. 匯率不包括銀行及服務提供者所收取的手續費。. 資料只供參考用途。. 請聯絡商戶有關最新匯率及交易事宜。. 匯率越深色代表越近期更新。.

  6. 比較 Bank of East Asia 兌換全球最常見貨幣的即時外幣匯率。 查看使用 Bank of East Asia 匯款的收費和時間。

  7. 1 天前 · 貨幣 銀行買入 銀行賣出 更新時間 趨勢圖 美元 (USD) 7.799000 7.823000

  8. Compare live Bank of East Asia exchange rates across the most popular world currencies. Find out how much it costs to transfer money with Bank of East Asia today and how long a transfer would take.

  9. Compare live Bank of East Asia exchange rates across the most popular world currencies. Find out how much it costs to transfer money with Bank of East Asia today and how long a transfer would take.

  10. 2 天前 · The following are the opening indicative counter exchange rates as on 2024-07-18. Member Banks normally quote finer rates for commercial transactions. Whilst every reasonable effort is made to ensure that these exchange rates are correct as at the opening of business, HKAB and the contributing bank will not accept any responsibility ...

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