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  1. 黑色星期五 (英語: Black Friday )是美國 感恩節 之後的 星期五 的非正式名稱,這個詞在最近十幾年才廣泛使用。 「黑色星期五」被看作是每年零售業聖誕銷售業績的晴雨表,也是一年中各個商家最看重兼最繁忙的日子之一。 中文又稱作 黑色購物節 [1] 。 起源 [ 編輯] Black Friday是最早於2005年美國網路shop.org創造的購物節日。 一般相信就跟原本1111被電商炒成購物節原因相似。 與之相對應的還有興起於法國、葡萄牙與德國的Cyber Monday。 關於黑色星期五這一叫法的起源,較普遍的一種認為看法是,由於這一天是 感恩節 (11月第四個星期四)後開業的第一天。 再加上人們通常由此開始 聖誕節 大採購,很多商店都會顧客盈門從而有大額進帳。

  2. 2023年11月20日 · Black Friday is always the Friday after Thanksgiving, which is always the fourth Thursday in November. In 2023, Black Friday is November 24. In 2024, Black Friday is November 29. The name Black Friday is also used to refer to September 24, 1869, the date of a financial panic in the US sparked by gold speculators.

  3. It is believed by many that the term Black Friday derives from the concept that businesses operate at a financial loss, or are “in the red,” until the day after Thanksgiving, when massive sales finally allow them to turn a profit, or put them “in the black.” However, this is untrue.

  4. Black Friday 的翻譯 在漢語(簡體)中 感恩节后的星期五,美国的商铺减价吸引开始圣诞节购物的消费者, 黑色星期五, 黑色星期五(感恩节后的星期五,商家打折出售商品以吸引顾客开始圣诞节购物活动)…

  5. 2015年11月23日 · Thanksgiving. What’s the Real History of Black Friday? The retail bonanza known as Black Friday is now an integral part of many Thanksgiving celebrations, but this holiday tradition has darker...

  6. 2023年11月13日 · Olivia Munson. USA TODAY. 0:04. 0:51. When someone says "Black Friday," images of shoppers frantically sifting through bins and racks may come to mind. The phrase has become...

  7. Black Friday的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. the Friday after Thanksgiving, when shops reduce the price of goods in order to attract…。了解更多。