雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. Kyoto Karasuma Tofukuji Takeda Chushojima Shugakuin Ichijoji Chayama Mototanaka Demachiyanagi Yase-Hieizan-guchi Kitayama Kitaoji Kuramaguchi Imadegawa Marutamachi AsakusaKatsura Karasuma Oike a KYOTO TRAIN / SUBWAY ROUTE MAP

  2. 京都市交通局 〒616-8104. 京都市右京區太秦下刑部町12番地. 自動跳號:0570-666-846 服務時間:7:30~19:30(2020/4/20~2020/5/15 9:00~17:00). 市營巴士/地下鐵洽詢單位一覽.

  3. The Kyoto Municipal Subway is an underground railway network with just two lines: the Karasuma Subway Line which runs north to south, and the Tozai Subway Line which runs east to west. These two lines are connected at Karasuma Oike Station.

  4. 2019年10月25日 · 京都關西JR 的營運時間為早上5點至晚上12點,班距依路線不同,平均約5到10分鐘一班,基本票價為120日圓,會依路線而有所不同,在京都中最重要的JR莫過於京都到大阪的京都線、會經過伏見稻荷大社和宇治等京都景點的奈良線,以及開往嵐山、保津峽的 ...

  5. 2021年2月15日 · That's where Kyoto's extensive network of trains and subways comes into play, seamlessly connecting the city's major attractions and hidden gems. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into Kyoto's trains and subways, unlocking the secrets of this intricate transportation system.

  6. 烏丸線途經的京都站是京都交通的主要樞紐站,烏丸線在京都站可換乘JR琵琶湖線、JR京都線、JR奈良線、JR東海道新幹線以及私鐵各線至關西各地和日本全國各地。

  7. 75 km/h (47 mph) System map. The Kyoto Municipal Subway (京都市営地下鉄, Kyōto-shiei chikatetsu), also known as Kyoto City Subway, is the rapid transit network in the city of Kyoto, Japan. Operated by the Kyoto Municipal Transportation Bureau, it has two lines.

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