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  1. 2024年5月22日 · Horizon Answers. 【明報專訊】 Gear up. (Criticisms on this publication, if any, are aimed at pointing out the errors or defects of certain systems or policies with a view to rectifying or eradicating such errors or defects, as well as prompting improvement or remedy for them via lawful means. There is absolutely no intention of inciting ...

  2. 2024年5月22日 · Talk of the town:Reclaim Ha Wan Tsuen. 【明報專訊】In a rapidly developing city, the clash between urban expansion and the preservation of cultural heritage is an ongoing challenge. The latest battleground in this struggle in Hong Kong is Ha Wan Tsuen (下灣村) in Lok Ma Chau, which will be reclaimed for the San Tin Technopole (新田 ...

  3. 2024年5月22日 · Among these essential systems is the respiratory system (呼吸系統), a collaborative network of organs which facilitates our breathing process. It includes the nose, trachea (氣管), bronchi (支氣管), lungs (肺),etc. The trachea connects our throat to the lungs, and the bronchi transport air deep into the lungs.

  4. 2024年5月22日 · 詞中物:讀池荒懸 〈長髮——聽《流波曲》有感〉. 【明報專訊】孫文明是內地著名二胡藝術家,在樂器形製、樂曲創作、技法革新、音樂教學等方面都貢獻良多。. 其代表作《流波曲》情緒深沉,節奏平穩,速度變化較小,如泣如訴,似在娓娓述說前半生 ...

  5. 2024年5月22日 · 粵 語:佢做咩嘢都懵盛盛,我又點能夠相信佢呢?. 普通話:他做事糊里糊塗的,我又怎能相信他?. .傻更更. 「懵盛盛」還有個近義詞「傻更更」 (粵語讀音so4 gaang1 gaang1),指人笨頭笨腦,糊里糊塗,思考不清晰,普通話的說法是「傻乎乎」 (shǎ hū hū ...

  6. 2024年5月22日 · 引用明報(加拿大)內容收費準則:(包括:報章,各類附刊,數碼及任何名下之內容) 文字:每100字(含標點符號) 30元 特別內容如獨家新聞,名家約稿等另按情況收費 圖片:每張50元 獨家,合成圖片,圖樣設計另議。

  7. 2024年5月8日 · 【明報專訊】Hong Kong, a city that harmoniously blends ancient traditions with modern marvels, is home to a multitude of vibrant festivals. Among them, the Cheung Chau Jiao Festival (長洲太平清醮) stands out as a captivating cultural event that captures the