雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 正選
    賽季 202326
    Concacaf Gold Cup終場
    7月 12日vs墨西哥
    0 - 3
  2. It’s an unfortunate well-known fact that the further north you go in Devon, the uglier and weirder the people. People don’t usually move to dark and windswept Combe Martin, they’re sent or abducted to this village of strange rites and pagan rituals on the edge of Exmoor.

  3. Its Church is an interesting building with a “fine, rare medieval rood screen” or so they claim. Outsiders and locals alike have said ” if you’re not local (centuries of local family) you’re invisible and also excluded”. Nice, or not. The village has been called “Trumpton Vasey” by visitors, a cruel but comical title.

  4. Famous for its drunks epidemic and bolshie Brummies ***********, hundreds of dogs, and the unusually long street running for 2 miles along the valley village: Combe Martin is known for its pram *****, dog mess, and for tripping over gormless overweight grockels (tourists) descending on the place, pissing the locals off for half the year by roami...

  5. When walking down the high st from the station, if you’re a tourist the first thing you see is the [alleged] scumhole known as the “bell” a.k.a the s—–n bell, a well known [alleged] habitat of layabout thieves, scumrats, fat lardarse ***** (swilling beer all day

  6. The epicentre a.k.a breeding colonies for this particular species of ner’do’well are Tang Hall, Bell Farm and Chapelfields just outside the main city in Acomb. Although a university and tourist city the indigenous population of York is terminally ****** over many generations.

  7. This disturbing species of woman can always be found on the dance floor and smoking area of Old Bell. Where they lay there in wait, waiting to hear a Yorkshire accent…. And then they strike.

  8. I can see how Coventry may seem like Chaventry to people outside of the city. However, being born and raised in the city I can tell you the truth about Coventry. Late 1980's, Coventry was one of the worst cities in the UK, overrun by many different gangs. The skinheads being one of the worst.