雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 正選
    賽季 20230
    5月 19日@錫菲聯
    3 - 0
  2. 2023年10月6日 · This statue is of the legendary samurai Saigo Takamori, one of the most influential samurai in all of Japan. A man often dubbed as the ‘last true samurai', the statue is an iconic Ueno landmark. Takamori was the inspiration behind the Hollywood blockbuster film ‘The Last Samurai'.

  3. 2023年10月6日 · This gorgeous building is designated a Cultural Property of Japan for its resilience in surviving devastating wars and earthquakes since it was built in 1627. Thanks to a major renovation in 1651, the shrine has distinctive features from the Edo period (1603-1867). Pay attention to the gold leaf trimmings and intricate carvings.

  4. 2020年11月2日 · 推薦建築景點—原宿與表參道地區. 原宿與表參道地區傳遞最新文化與時尚,以流行前衛的建築物而引人矚目。. Updated: November 2, 2020.

    • Yago de Santiago Alonso1
    • Yago de Santiago Alonso2
    • Yago de Santiago Alonso3
    • Yago de Santiago Alonso4
  5. It will be returning to the festival in 2024 for the first time in six years. The modern Jinkosai is a highlight of the festival, as 500 people parade through the city. There are various other festivities that last for a period of 11 days, so you can attend every day and still see something new.

  6. 2023年10月6日 · The Ueno Royal Museum, opened in 1972, belongs to the Japan Art Association and is the only private museum in Ueno Park.

  7. 2024年2月2日 · 2月. 開放時間. ・2月2日(週五)20:00~「烏天狗道中前夜開場儀式」 烏天狗會神出鬼沒地到夜間營業的餐飲店撒福豆。 ・2月3日(週六)14:00~16:00 「天下一天夠道中」 大天狗和烏天狗將在下北澤的商店街一邊遊行一邊撒福豆。 ※小雨照常進行. ・2月4日(週日)13:00~「天狗福豆・mekata de don! 印章集集樂&遊戲等 ※截至前300名. 首頁 > 東京區域導覽 > 東京西部 > 下北澤 > 第92屆下北澤天狗祭. 天狗是日本民間傳說中出現的超自然存在,常被描繪成擁有著尖鳥嘴和長鼻子的形象。 天狗一般被認為是生意興隆和幸運的預兆,所以人們會在此祭典上歌頌這些神話中的守護神。

  8. Observation Deck guide services. Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building information/guide services. Route 1: Strolling in Gardens and Experiencing a Tea Ceremony. Route 2: Shinjuku, the center of Tokyo. Learn about Japan's trends in department store basements and while shopping. Route 3: The Asakusa Route.