雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2019年8月23日 · 說起亞洲的棒球強國,日本絕對當之無愧,不管是學生棒球還是業餘棒球,都有一票忠實粉絲支持著。. 像是被稱為「夏季甲子園」的「全國高等學校野球選手權大會」就經常出現在日本電視劇和日本動漫中;而至今超過80個年頭的日本職棒,更是日本最受歡迎的 ...

  2. 非常矚目的比賽或者決勝賽等,將近5萬人的觀戰席就會坐無缺席。. 從全國各地而來的各個戰隊,不僅代表各自的家鄉,並且幾乎所有觀眾都支援代表自己家鄉的戰隊。. 比賽開始之前,入口處甚至排起長龍。. 特別是支援席的阿爾卑斯看台,每次比賽,坐席都會 ...

  3. 2023年5月22日 · Enoshima Shrine is a collection of three separate shrines that are located around the island: Hetsuno-miya, Nakatsuno-miya and Okutsuno-miya. The main shrine complex, Hetsuno-miya, is famous for its rather unusual naked statue of Benzaiten, the goddess of

  4. 2018年10月17日 · The Dutch East India Company's fortune shifted irrevocably when Japan was forced to open its borders by Commodore Matthew Calbraith Perry. Although Dutch influence waned considerably in the subsequent years, Huis Ten Bosch is a town-sized commemoration of this extensive period of Japanese history.

  5. 2016年4月2日 · Tsundere —one of the best-known anime character archetypes, in which a character first appears cold and distant, but gradually warms up. The tsundere have long tugged at the heartstrings of many anime fans, who clutch their chests in joyous agony at the tsun tsun and dere dere of their onscreen loves.

  6. 店家地址:愛知縣名古屋市東區大幸4-16-1. 營業時間:07:30~19:00. 官方網站: http://www.komeda.co.jp/index.php. 和風Komeda「甘味喫茶 おかげ庵」 http://okagean-shinoharabashi.jp/menu/sample.html. 剛剛介紹完Komeda珈琲,現在就帶大家來認識一下同集團企業底下的「甘味喫茶 おかげ庵」;一樣走高CP值的親民路線,贈送的早餐服務卻是和式的海苔飯糰、味噌湯以及蕨餅! 飲料部分除了既有的咖啡之外,店家更是主打高品質抹茶、焙煎茶、大豆粉茶等和風飲品,如果早上想嘗試不一樣的選擇,不妨來這裡試試日本傳統的早餐服務唷。

  7. 2017年5月2日 · 6. Health Protection Charm (健康) This charm, the kenko (健康), is supposed to protect your health, to prevent you from getting diseases, and help you to live a long life. 5. Money Charm (商売繁盛) This amulet, called the shobai-hanjo (商売繁盛), is said to provide good luck and good fortune in your business, whether you're an individual or a company. 4.