雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 全港首家還款假期助你輕鬆周轉,貸款額無上限、無手續費兼無罰息。 仲唔快啲轉過嚟新鴻基信貸!

  2. 立即體驗網上即時批核服務,二按最快1日現金到手,KO周轉煩惱。. 不限物業類型及樓齡. 24小時批核。.

  3. Online instant processing from a leading lending company - Get your 2nd mortgage in a day. 24 hours approval, all property types and age welcome.

  4. 盡享高達85%高成數按揭貸款,即時滿足周轉需要,立刻申請「樓按Fast Pass 」即獲HK$10,000獎賞!.

  5. 灣仔分行 (會展站Exit A3 步行7分鐘直達分行) 香港灣仔告士打道138號聯合鹿島大廈8樓803-805室. 服務時間. 星期一至五: 9:00am - 6:15pm. 星期六: 9:30am - 12:30pm. 電話: 2996 2688. 傳真: 3514 4275. © 版權所有 新鴻基信貸有限公司 2024 不得轉載. 放債人牌照號碼: 0853/2024.

  6. Sun Hung Kai Credit - Borrow Now Sell Smart. Launch a brand new "RMB Mortgage" featuring a remarkably low interest rate of 6.99%*, significantly lower than borrowing in Hong Kong dollars.

  7. Sun Hung Kai Credit offers Second Mortgage plan to allow property owners to borrow against the equity in their property in addition to the property’s first mortgage, which gives them quick access to handy cash that can be used for paying off credit card debt or other unsecured loans.