雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Hong Kong Jockey Club. LI LAN-SANG. Chinese residents only began owning horses in 1926, after they were admitted to membership of the Jockey Club. In 1929 Ho Kom-Tong became the first Chinese owner to win the Hong Kong Derby. By 1934 it was estimated that 60% of all horses had Chinese owners.

  2. Private Purchase Griffin. Owner: Sin Kang Yuk. Hong Kong record: 12 wins from 19 starts. Prize money: HK$24,915,344. Still in training. A very fast horse, and at peak fitness, the fastest horse in Hong Kong; question marks hover over his soundness. He was off the racecourse for nearly nine months last year.

  3. 歡迎來到體驗店!店內糅合餐飲、消閒及數碼化投注的娛樂設施,銳意為顧客提供更全面的投注娛樂新體驗。 ... 博彩要有節制 未滿十八歲人士不得投注或進入可投注的地方。 向非法或海外莊家下注,即屬違法,且可被判監禁。

  4. Three times voted Hong Kong's most popular horse. Winner of the International Group One Yasuda Kinen, the premier mile race in Japan. Officially rated by the International Classifications committee joint-top rated Older Sprinter in the World in 2000.

  5. Private Purchase. Owner: Tsui Tack Kong and Tsui Tack Suen. Hong Kong record: 12 wins from 19 starts. Total Stakes won: HK$1,410,528. A strongly muscled, powerful horse, Co-Tack was almost machine-like in the manner in which he gunned down all opposition.

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  7. 賴里爵士於1884年出任香港賽馬會的首任主席,自1867年起同時兼任香港總商會主席和立法局議員之職,直至1892年逝世時為止。 賴里爵士來自蘇格蘭北部一個偏遠城鎮Stornoway。 他與兩名兄弟一起經營中國貿易,因而廣為人識。 他最初任職於端納公司期間已逐漸在香港商界建立聲譽,其後更與曾在蘇格蘭高地鐵路公司工作的亞歷山大‧芬梨‧史密夫合夥創立山頂纜車公司,開設山頂纜車服務。 賴里爵士還在山頂興建了一座名為Craig Ryrie的別墅。 賴里爵士雖是一名商人,但十分關心社會事務,曾在立法局提倡言論自由,因而廣受尊崇。 他也曾公開反對賭博合法化,故當他成為馬會首任主席時,實在令人頗感意外。 不過,他對賽馬的喜愛卻是眾所周知。