雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 1. 我怎樣可以取得版權? 一般來說,如要享有版權保護,有關作品必須是原本作品,以及用實質形式記錄下來。如經已符合這些條件,版權便自動生效,版權擁有人 毋須作任何註冊或辦理其他正式手續 。根據《版權條例》,世界上任何一個作者創作作品,或在世界上任何一處首次發布作品 ...

  2. 侵犯版權及允許作為(獲豁免侵權之行為). 根據《 版權條例 》,版權擁有人可就他們作品,擁有獨有權利去進行以下行為(詳見《 版權條例 》第 22 - 29 條):. 將電腦程式轉化為另一種電腦語言或代號。. 就作品改編本進行以上行為(例如影印一本英文 ...

  3. CLIC is a bilingual community legal information web-site. It is a quick internet guide for the general public to find relevant legal information in Hong Kong. The project is established by the Law & Technology Centre (jointly run by the Faculty of Law and the Department of Computer Science) of the University of Hong Kong.

  4. 開案及結案陳詞 (包括典據列表)是甚麼?. 開案陳詞是與訟各方在審訊開始前呈交法庭文件。. 法庭通常會在審前覆核時,給予有關呈交及送達開案陳詞時間表指示。. 開案陳詞目的,是在法官聽取證據前為法庭簡介案件。. 它應該概述:. 案件背景;. 與 ...

  5. Introduction As an ordinary citizen, it is possible that you might be stopped, questioned and even searched by the police while you are walking on the street. You may have questions as to why the police would do this to you, or under what circumstances the police ...

  6. 關於社區法網 社區法網(CLIC)是甚麼? 社區法網是一個雙語法律資訊互聯網站,市民可透過此網站迅速地尋找有關香港法律資料。社區法網是由香港大學法律與科技研究中心(註) 承辦,並由香港特區政府律政司撥款。 (註)法律與科技研究中心是由香港大學法律學院及香港大學計算機科學系合辦

  7. For a will to be valid, a testator needs to show two things: his intention that the will takes effect upon his death; and. his capacity when he made the will. A testator can normally show his intention by: starting the will with the words “This is the Last Will and Testament of [the testator’s name]”; or. hiring a solicitor to make the will.

  1. 其他人也搜尋了