雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2021年10月6日 · The COVID-19 has in many ways turned our world upside down. At the same time, the use of digital technologies surged and has significantly reshaped our lifestyles. Elsewhere, various other innovative technologies, aging populations, resource shortages and urbanisation are also emerging strongly – all representing change, all creating challenges.

  2. Summary. Is it possible to cool inflation without freezing growth? That’s the fine line being walked by central banks as investors look to the rest of the year and beyond. We think the economy will slow down significantly and a US recession is likely. Find out how our Global CIOs think the rest of 2022 will play out across asset classes.

  3. 2022年3月22日 · 【宏觀銓局-馬桂銓】今次軍事入侵令市場前景未明,在未來幾個月,市場料會持續波動。投資年期限較短(即一至三個月)的投資者可考慮主權債券。傳統用來避險的美國國債,前景正隨著通脹升溫和加息更趨複雜。筆者目前正審視中國國債,中國在岸國債應受益於貨幣寬鬆政策,在抵禦當前地緣 ...

  4. 放眼全球,ESG(Environment、Social、Governance,即環境、社會、管治)投資的增長可謂勢不可擋!截至2020年末,ESG相關投資的資產總額已超過35萬億美元,換言之,全球每10元的專業管理資產,便有超過3元是與ESG相關。

  5. 重點關注. 市場非常熟悉二人,但是特朗普當選可能會帶來更多不確定性。. 我們的分析:標普500指數在以下情況表現最為理想:由民主黨人擔任總統而該黨未能控制國會,或共和黨人擔任總統並由該黨控制國會。. 無論結果如何,我們認為美國經濟若持續穩定增長, 股市 ...

  6. The main doubts are around the sustainability of the recovery and uncertainty about future policy – specifically whether an excessively fast rebound would be used to tackle other structural issues (think intervention in the tech sector, leverage in real estate, etc).

  7. 2020年3月11日 · 選擇您的地區及身份