雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. each Design and Uniform Store provides customized clothing and unifroms, make your fully customized clothing at lowest price, including tshirts, polo shirts, sportswear, hoodies and jackets. 2024/01 警察田徑會 - 竇文錦標賽2024 2023/24 中資金融盃 2023/24 醫管

  2. 主頁. 常用布料. 以下只列出不同款式服裝的常用布料,可親臨門市檢視色咭及色費索取小布辦。 門市亦備有更多布料選擇,歡迎親臨門市檢閱所有布料。 平紋棉布 Plain Cotton Cloth. 功能運動布 Dry-fit Cloth. 珠地布 Pique Cloth. 衛衣布 Jacket Cloth. 風褸布 Windbreaker Cloth. 運動健康布 Tracksuit Cloth. 搖粒絨布 Fleece Fabrics. 其他常用布料 (圍裙/工恤/斜布褲) Other Common Fabrics. 輔料 Accessories. 服裝分類. T-Shirts / 背心. Polo Shirts / 工恤. Dry-Fit 運動服. 衛衣 / 棒球褸 / 外套.

  3. each Design and Uniform Store provides customized clothing and unifroms, make your fully customized clothing at lowest price, including tshirts, polo shirts, sportswear, hoodies and jackets.

  4. 常見問題 - each印服裝訂造專門店 - 追求最高的印衫及服裝訂造品質。. 提供服裝訂造、印刷t Shirt、印班衫、熱昇華運動服裝、球衣、團體衫、Polo Shirt、訂製Polo、OCamp衫、衛衣、訂造風褸等!. 免費送貨!. 主頁.

  5. each Design and Uniform Store provides customized clothing and unifroms, make your fully customized clothing at lowest price, including tshirts, polo shirts, sportswear, hoodies and jackets. What is the relationship among 「each」,「SPORTIN'」and

  6. 我們專業的設計團隊會為你提供專業議見。. 按此了解不同印刷方式的介及限制. 服裝分類. each Design and Uniform Store provides customized clothing and unifroms, make your fully customized clothing at lowest price, including tshirts, polo shirts, sportswear, hoodies and jackets.

  7. 尺碼提示: 如訂購100件以下,可選擇6個不同尺碼;如要選擇6個尺碼以上,每個額外尺碼須另加HK$100版費。 尺碼均由純人手量度,1-2cm的誤差屬正常情況。 如果你在考慮選擇細一個碼還是大一個碼,建議選擇大一個碼。