雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. ★通過按摩來促進血液循環,使滋潤成分不僅能滲透到手部皮膚的表層,而且還能充分滲透到皮膚的深層。 ★含天然精華滋養粒子,有效防止手部肌膚乾燥。 特有的尿素配方,能深入皮膚內部。 ★促進血液循環,使角質柔軟,保持水分,無色不含香料。 適合人群: 上班族. 參考售價: 30克裝的售價約300日幣. 100克盒裝的售價約650日幣.

  2. 2018年1月23日 · The creation of traditional Japanese lacquerware, or shikki (漆器), is a beautiful, slow-moving, heartfelt process.In the Heart of Aizu, a reflective video from Emmy Award-winning filmmaker Taylor Hawkins, introduces us to three artisans in the former samurai town of Aizu-Wakamatsu, who continue to work together to bring a timeworn tradition to life.

  3. 2022年7月22日 · 玖依 2022年7月22日 更新 酒精飲料 日本酒 燒酒 日本泡盛酒 深度日本 深度旅遊 面對架上琳瑯滿目的日本地酒或燒酒,總是不知該如何選擇嗎?想要輕鬆識別日本產好酒,不妨可以先確認瓶身是否印有「地理標誌(GI)」。1995年日本為了促進作為 ...

  4. 2017年5月10日 · SpecialThanks takes us for a “horse run” in their playful music video for “Umahashiru” (lit., “horse run“), name-dropping previous hits “Hello, Colorful” and “Seven Lovers” along the way. SpecialThanks’ third full album, Anthem, was released on May 10, 2017.

  5. 2017年2月28日 · It sounds kind of lame, but ninja apparently often carried a pencil case-like container for their calligraphy brush and ink—of course, they may have carried small knives and bottles of poison in there too, for good measure. 1. 2. Other than the classic ninja star, or shuriken as it's known in Japan, there were many tools ninja kept on-hand to ...

  6. 2016年8月16日 · Okay, this one of Kayako is pretty freaky! The hangers will be available in the five versions pictured above. The Kayako and Sadako hangers will be about 50 millimeters (just shy of 2 inches) long, and the Toshio hanger will measure 30 millimeters (1.12 inches). You ...

  7. One wacky Japanese contraption is the Toto Otohime (literally, "Sound Princess"), which is a button on newer toilets that makes lovely sounds to cover up a princess’ special time. It was designed because, apparently, too many women were flushing in excess just to hide certain noises. But what about older models or traditional Japanese toilets?