雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2019年2月18日 · Buddhist temples in Japan have honorific titles ending in “mountain." Sensoji’s official name is “Golden Dragon Mountain,” (金龍山) which is where the dragon comes from. It is said that the day Kannon appeared in this world, a golden dragon descended from the heavens, and in one night a forest of a thousand pines grew.

  2. 2018年3月23日 · 龍道裡的景點確實是臥虎藏龍,明年春節或寒假,要不要帶上戀人,帶上家人,去昇龍道地區來一場說走就走的旅行呢? 我就知道你們沒人舉手! 但如果我告訴你大名鼎鼎的白川鄉,金澤,飛驒高山或名古屋其實就在昇龍道範圍以內,你又是否有點 ...

  3. 2017年11月20日 · Shoryudo, meaning “Rising Dragon Region,” is Japan’s name for its central region. Designed to grab your attention, because who doesn’t love dragons, this area consists of nine prefectures. There are many routes you can take, including the Ukiyo-e Route. This time, we'll check out the Dragon Route. Uncovering Ancient Traditions.

  4. 又稱斑鳩寺,位於日本奈良縣生駒郡斑鳩町,是聖德太子於飛鳥時代建造的佛教木結構寺院,據傳始建於607年。 法隆寺占地面積約18萬7千平方米,寺內保存有大量自飛鳥時代以來陸續累積,被日本政府指定為國寶、重要文化財產的建築及文物珍寶。 法隆寺分為東西兩院,西院保存了金堂、五重塔;東院建有夢殿等,西院伽藍是現存最古的木構建築群。 法隆寺建築物群在1993年以“法隆寺地域的佛教建築物”之名義列為世界遺產。 法隆寺將塔與金堂在寺院橫軸上配置成左右非對稱形態,不但是在日本開先河,而且現在已經定型為一種日本獨創的法隆寺式伽藍配置,至今對日本寺院配置產生顯著影響。

  5. 2017年11月1日 · For eight days, I traveled around the Chubu in central Japan, also known as Shoryudo. Although my trip was very busy, I was able to see many interesting sights and try some handicrafts for the first time! The region is packed with sights to see, cultural activities to try out and nature to explore. Shrine & Panorama Park in Shizuoka.

  6. 2017年7月10日 · The four shrines you can find here are Mitake Shrine, Asama Shrine, Ana Inari Shrine and Shinagawa Shrine. When you find a site with more than one shrine, it's common for one to be significantly larger than the others. In these situations, the small shrines are entrusted to the care of the large shrine.

  7. 靜岡縣川根本町. 川根本町位於靜岡縣中部,南阿爾卑斯的大井川下游,全域面積中以94%為森林所覆蓋,成為本州島唯一一個原生自然環境保護區,並被聯合國教科文組織錄入為生態公園名錄之一,更於2009年被選為日本100個最佳鄉村之一。. 行駛於靜岡縣中央 ...

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