雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 優惠不適用於VIP院4DX早場之戲票星期二全日指定日子(請參閱條款38a)、特備節目電影節與片主有特別協議之電影。 a) 折扣優惠不適用於 2023年12月15至31日之電影場次

  2. 優惠只適用於商戶網頁 ( https://www.mclcinema.com/ )及手機應用程式 (MCL),並不適用於票房、自助售票機或第三方售票平台購票。. 優惠只適用於正價2D電影戲票。. 優惠不適用於K11 Art House Black Box/House 11, K11 Art House IMAX/House 12, Festival Suite of Festival Grand Cinema, MCL數碼港 ...

  3. 20% off online movie tickets at top 5 cinemas in Hong Kong and offset the transaction with Pay with Points. Enjoy new movies where they belong – on the big screen! Enjoy 20% off movie tickets on the website/app of more than 50 cinemas.

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  6. 1. Settle your payment with eligible Citi Credit Card to enjoy Pay with Points. 2. Verify your identity. 3. Offset your spending with your Points. The screens and figures above are for reference only. Visit KKday now to explore a world of fantastic travel experiences! Download KKday App or visit KKday.com now to meet your travel needs.

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