雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 我從來就不懂 #龍眼乾 有什麼好處,也難得去喝龍眼乾茶水,剛才在別處看到此帖子才發現它居然有這妙用:. 龍眼泡水喝,近視從800度降到200度!. 失眠者喝7天痊癒!. 99%人都不懂正確煮法!. 快傳給兒子女兒看!. 龍眼(又稱桂圓),能治長期失眠、高度近視 ...

  2. 位置:中环大厦 🏢 、宝树台C座. 💕 今日下架:戴安然,熹青青,王菲,童童,思思,羽沫. 👑 今日上新:梦儿,晴也,李美琪,Miki,林淼淼,西儿,一凡,美惠子,玛丽娜. 90分钟两Q 👇 (大部分可外). (如鱼跃90分钟的中途不可更改45分钟模式谢谢配合 ...

  3. Mark Attwood (@MarkAttwood) on X. The only people who choose to embrace “misinformation” are those that believe anything in mainstream media like @skynews. 5.5K 04:06. The Mark Attwood Show: Adventures in a Cosmic Suit 2. Finally made it into the Irish Times as a “right wing” podcaster 😂 they missed off “turbo nonce”. Disappointing.

  4. 美国两党政客的金主“美国以色列公共事务委员会”说,传出来的拉法遭到轰炸的影像很恐怖,但那都是哈马斯的错。 金主一声令下,美国政客就以此为以色列辩护。

  5. 107 RQSE , 08:25. AGENT A1. The property is currently registered to 148-152 Sparks St., an Ontario corporation partly owned by Tom Pitfield, a long-time friend of Justin Trudeau. 110 Shellie Agentblusky , 08:26.

  6. DD Geopolitics. 🇷🇺 Today, the first footage of the latest heavy flamethrower system, TOS-3 "Dragon," appeared, the development of which became known at the beginning of the year. The increased length of the launch tubes is immediately noticeable, allowing the use of new long-range rockets. At the same time, the number of launch tubes has ...

  7. Pepe Escobar. Forwarded from Russian MFA 🇷🇺. 🤝 Russia's President Vladimir Putin met with Dilma Rousseff, President of the BRICS New Development Bank. 💬 Vladimir Putin: Last year we met on the sidelines of the #RussiaAfrica Summit.