雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 透過 Citibank 主網頁建立 您可以電腦瀏覽 Citibank 主網頁 www.citibank.com.hk 並按左面目錄之「首次登入」建立您的用戶登入賬號。. 透過 Citi Mobile ® App建立 下載 Citi Mobile ® App後,開啟程式再按「登記賬號」進行登記程序。. 成功建立之登入帳號可適用於登入 Citibank 上 ...

  2. 成功出張Citi信用卡即可享受豐富迎新優惠!. 即日起至2024年6月3日,新客戶 1 透過此網頁申請 2 以下Citi信用卡並憑卡累積認可簽賬滿 HK$8,0003 ,. 獨家賞您限時迎新獎賞 — HK$1,600現金回贈** !. 早出卡早享受,仲唔立即行動?. 1. 迎新獎賞不適用於現在持有任何由 ...

  3. 最新信用卡優惠. 於豐澤網店用Citi Pay with Points憑分抵銷簽賬. %body% 依家憑Citi信用卡喺豐澤網店買完新家電或電子產品,就可以無縫用Pay with Points憑分消費,直接用積分抵銷簽賬! 簡單幾Clicks用積分抵銷簽賬: 憑指定Citi信用卡簽賬後立即體驗Pay with Points 憑分消費. 進行身份驗證. 選擇您想兌換的金額,立即兌換,憑分抵銷簽賬! 1. 2. 3. 即去豐澤 網店 買嘢啦! 尚未擁有Citi 信用卡? 立即申請專享環球獎賞. 按此申請. 「Citi Pay with Points憑分消費」 條款及細則.

  4. Citi Pay with Points登陸自由鳥!月月立減總值高達HK$360,用Pay with Points 抵銷簽賬再賺優惠券! 無論您想上台開新號碼,定係完約攜號轉台,一App搞掂嘅自由鳥絕對係您嘅精明選擇! 識揀嘅您,揀啱心水計劃之後,梗識用埋Citi Pay with Points憑分抵銷月費 ...

  5. What is Portfolio Finance 1? Portfolio Finance enables you to borrow at a competitive rate 2 against a broad range of financial assets as collaterals, including deposits, equities, bonds, mutual funds and structured products.

  6. They offer the potential for higher return on investment compared to a standard deposit. Ideal for investors looking for portfolio diversification in asset classes, sectors, and geographies. Contact our Investment Service Hotline at (852) 2860 0222 or visit any Citibank branch. Apply now. HIGHLIGHTS.

  7. Reach your financial goals—from buying a new car to starting a family. Track your progress in 7 categories - from saving for a trip to buying a new car. You can also set your total wealth target. You should seek advice from your professional advisors as to your particular tax position, including but not limited to estate duty and withholding ...

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