雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年5月16日 · 1992年: 港事顧問. 李嘉誠 爵士 , 大紫荊勳賢 , KBE , JP (英語: Sir Ka-shing Li ,1928年7月29日 — ), 香港 企業家和慈善家,籍貫 廣東 潮安 ,香港成長,人稱「李超人」 [8] [9] ,自1940年起居住並活動在 香港 ,曾多年位居亞洲 首富 ,連續多年蟬聯 香港 首富 ...

  2. 李嘉誠 爵士 , 大紫荊勳賢 , KBE , JP (英語: Sir Ka-shing Li ,1928年7月29日 — ), 香港 企业家和慈善家,籍貫 廣東 潮安 ,香港成長,人称“李超人” [8] [9] ,自1940年起居住并活动在 香港 ,曾多年位居亚洲 首富 ,连续多年蝉联 香港 首富宝座。. 他創立的 ...

  3. 2024年5月16日 · 李嘉诚 爵士 , 大紫荆勋贤 , KBE , JP (英语: Sir Ka-shing Li ,1928年7月29日 — ), 香港 企业家和慈善家,籍贯 广东 潮安 ,香港成长,人称“李超人” [8] [9] ,自1940年起居住并活动在 香港 ,曾多年位居亚洲 首富 ,连续多年蝉联 香港 首富宝座。. 他 ...

  4. 2023年8月31日 · 股市. 發布時間: 2023/08/31 20:29. 最後更新: 2023/09/01 14:49. 分享: 李嘉誠現身慈山寺長和 (00001) 及長實 (01113創辦人李嘉誠自2018年退休後便甚少公開露面有網民在社群平台上發文表示他在8月29日當天上午到訪慈山寺時導覽員便告知他今天有位貴賓會來」,要求他們不要大聲喧嘩安靜打招呼即可怎料這個貴賓便是李嘉誠李嘉誠每次都「真的跪下去」 據網民提供的照片顯示,當天李嘉誠身穿西裝,臉上戴著白色口罩,坐在電動輪椅上,自行控制輪椅移動的方向。 該名網友稱,當他向李嘉誠打招呼,祝福他身體健康時,李嘉誠很有禮貌地回應「多謝」,兩人此時相距不到一公尺。 除李嘉誠外,現年62歲的周凱旋也在同一場合現身。

  5. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Li_Ka-shingLi Ka-shing - Wikipedia

    • Early Life
    • Business Career
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    • Awards and Honours
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    Li was born in Chao'an, Chaozhou in Guangdong Province in 1928 to Teochew parents named Li Yun-ching (1898–1943) and Cheung Bik-chin (1893–1984). Li and his family fled to Hong Kong in 1940 as refugees from the Sino-Japanese war. Owing to his father's death from tuberculosis, he was forced to leave school at the age of 15 and found a job in a plast...

    Plastics manufacturing

    In 1950, after learning how to operate a plant, Li founded a plastic manufacturing company in Hong Kong with personal savings and funds borrowed from relatives. Li avidly read trade publications and business news before deciding to supply the world with high quality plastic flowersat low prices. Li learned the technique of mixing colour with plastics that resemble real flowers. After retooling his shop, he prepared the plant for a visit from a large foreign buyer. Fortunately for Li, the buye...

    Real estate

    In 1958, believing rents would continue to rise, Li decided to purchase a site and develop his own factory building. An opportunity to acquire more land arrived after the 1967 riots when many people fled Hong Kong, and, as a result, property prices plummeted. Li believed the political crisis would be temporary and property prices would eventually rise, and bought land from the fleeing residents at low prices. In 1971, Li officially named his real estate development company Cheung Kong (長江實業)....


    A subsidiary of CK Hutchison, the A.S. Watson Group (ASW), is a retail operator with over 15,000 stores. Its portfolio encompasses retail brands in Europe such as Superdrug (UK), Marionnaud (France), Kruidvat (Benelux countries), and in Asia including health and beauty retailer Watson'sstore and wine cellars et al., PARKnSHOP supermarkets (and spin-off brands), and Fortress electrical appliance stores. ASW also produces and distributes water products and beverages in the region.

    His two sons, Victor Li and Richard Li, are also figures in the Hong Kong business scene. Victor Li succeeded his father as Chairman of CK Hutchison Holdings and Chairman of CK Asset Holdings Limited, while Richard Li is Chairman of PCCW, the largest telecom company in Hong Kong. They are both Canadian citizens. He is a follower of Buddhism. Marrie...

    For many years, he was considered to be a pro-Beijing figure. However, in recent years, tensions have been growing between Li and the mainland, especially with the rise of current China's paramount leader Xi Jinping. During the 2019–20 Hong Kong protests, he refused to outright condemn the protesters, instead urging for peace and calling on the aut...

    The Li Ka Shing Foundation was established in 1980 with a focus on education, medical services and research initiatives. To date, Li Ka-shing has invested over HK$30 billion in projects covering ed...
    Li's donation in 1981 resulted in the founding of Shantou University (STU) and the Shantou University Medical College, near his hometown of Chaozhou. Li has earmarked grants and contributions of ov...
    In September 2001, the newest tower in the Hong Kong Polytechnic Universitywas named after Li, following a HK$100 million donation to the university.
    The Li Ka Shing Centre in Cambridge, England, houses a Cancer Research UK facility, which is a part of the University of Cambridge. The centre was named after Mr. Li following a £5.3 million donati...
  6. 2024年3月25日 · 中文名. 李嘉誠. 外文名. Li Ka-shing. 別 名. 李超人. 國 籍. 中國. 民 族. 漢族. 出生日期. 1928年7月29日(戊辰年) 畢業院校. 北門街觀海寺小學. 主要成就. 獲英國 劍橋大學 榮譽法學博士. 1992年獲 北京大學 榮譽博士學位. 1986年被 比利時 國王封為 勳爵.

  7. 2024年2月23日 · 長和系創辦人李嘉誠又贏福布斯Forbes公布年度香港50大富豪排行榜,「誠哥李嘉誠以362億美元約2823.6億港元身家蟬聯香港首富寶座福布斯2024年香港十大富豪名單基本與2023年榜單一致十人或家族只是排名有別福布斯最新估計的李嘉誠身家較去年估算的390億美元少7%明顯少於同期恒指樓市跌幅也輕微跑贏富豪大市」。 福布斯表示,在旅遊業和消費成長的推動下,香港經濟2023年增長3.2%,但於房地產業停滯和出口低迷,疫情後復甦仍慢於預期,同時IPO新股上市荒。 恒指自上次公布排行榜以來下跌28%,而香港最有錢的50名富豪身家淨值縮水9%,至 2,960億美元。 點擊圖片放大. +8. 福布斯香港十大富豪名單不變 僅兩人身家沒縮水.

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