雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 下午前往故宫博物馆,欣赏馆内珍藏的文物,每件均是历史瑰宝然后参观纪念历年忠勇牺牲之烈士的 忠烈 ,稍后回酒店稍作休息。. 1975 , for example , was restored by digitally reinstating faded colour , and the most complete cantonese version of bruce lee s the kid 1950 in existence is ...

  2. 例句与用法. The film is transported continuously past the film gate . 胶片 被连续传输通过快门。. It has been desired to obtain a single color film . 人们希望得到一种简单的彩色 胶片 。. Brightness and color are inseparable in color films . 彩色 胶片 上的亮度和颜色是不可分割的。. The glue ...

  3. All right , this next song goes out to our newlyweds 下一首歌是特别奉献给这对新人的 This next song is going out to that young lady in question - 下一首歌送给怀疑爱情的 This next song is going out to that young lady in question - - 下一首歌送给怀疑爱情的

  4. 例句与用法. The valiant never tastes of death but once . 勇士舍生取义只经历一次死的痛苦。. He had the fame of being very valiant . 他的勇敢是出名的。. This was the last time i saw this valiant frenchman . 这是我最后一次见到这位英勇的法国人了。. On the benches in his shop were the lusty and ...

  5. 再者,一出戏剧、一本小说,一部电影的主要人物,也称为故事的主人公。By avoiding topics of dispute, the personages of our tale lived in great good habits with the gracious duncan . 由于避免触及容易引起争论的话题,我们小说里的几位主要人物同豁达的邓肯还

  6. 忠烈祠的英文翻译,忠烈祠英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译忠烈祠,忠烈祠的英文意思,忠烈祠的英文,忠烈祠 meaning in English,忠烈祠的英文,忠烈祠怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。

  7. убивать的中文意思:动词 打死杀死消灭制止使大失所望使悲痛万分〔未〕见уб`ит…,查阅убивать的详细中文翻译和用法 "убива ть" 中文翻译: 杀害杀戕杀暗杀浪费杀死刺杀杀人谋杀残杀 "убивать время" 中文翻译: 磨游 "убивать тигра" 中文翻译: 打虎