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  1. www.ah.com.sg › Publications › Parkinson (Chinese)帕金森氏症

    什么是帕金森氏症? 帕金森氏症是影响新加坡人的四大神经系统疾病之一。 这是一种慢性、神经退行性疾病,可导致影响肌肉控制、运动与平衡的脑部组织缓慢地逐步退化。 相关症状是由于脑部特殊神经细胞中缺少一种称为“多巴胺”的化学传导物质。 在年长人士中,这种疾病通常与许多其他病症以及虚弱症状并存,而当其与范围广泛的帕金森综合征结合时,就可能影响患者的整体健康和生活品质。 帕金森氏症在新加坡有多普遍? 每 1,000 名 50 岁及以上的新加坡人之中就有 3 人患有帕金森氏症,是新加坡第二常见的神经退行性疾病。 据估计,新加坡大约有 6,000 至 8,000 名帕金森氏症患者。 其患病率会随着年龄的增长呈指数级增长,并在 80 岁及以上的人群中达到顶峰。 帕金森综合征 — 运动症状只是冰山一角!

  2. 敞开心扉将自己内心的真正想法告知身边至亲,因为所谈的内容没有对错之分,不必过于忌讳或有所保留。. 若想进一步认识有关“预先护理计划”的内容与详情,可浏览www.livingmatters.sg/ch网站。. 巴希尔·阿末(Basheer Ahmad,43岁,企业家)求学时期非常好动,还是越野赛跑 ...

  3. Medicine. Sub-Specialties: Chronic Programme (Live Better), FAST Programme (Get Better), Gastroenterology & Hepatology. Make an Appointment. Biosketch. Dr Tang Si Ying graduated from Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore and completed her post-graduate residency training in National University Health System.

  4. Otolaryngology (Ear, Nose and Throat) The Division of Otolaryngology specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions affecting the ear, nose, throat, head, and neck. This includes conditions such as tinnitus, obstructive sleep apnoea and head and neck cancers.

  5. www.ah.com.sg › Pages › For PatientsFind a Doctor

    Biosketch. Dr Sun Chen-Hsin is a clinician-engineer. He graduated from Johns Hopkins University in 2008 with a Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering, and Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering in 2009. In 2013, he received Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) from Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School. After completing his Ophthalmology ...

  6. Make an Appointment. Biosketch. Dr. Lim Ying Yin is a Supportive and Palliative Care physician working in Alexandra Hospital, NUHS. She graduated from University of Malaya in and received her post-graduate MRCP (UK) in 2015 and Master of Medicine (Family Medicine) 2016.

  7. www.ah.com.sg › Publications › Dysphagiawww.ah.com.sg


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