雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 懿尹女士 陳凱先博士 Gary Zieziula先生 陸舜博士 陳樹云先生 董事會下轄四個董事會委員會。下表列示本公司各董事所在該等委員會的成員資 料。審核委員會 薪酬委員會 提名委員會 戰略委員會 俞德超博士 M C C 奚浩先生 M 張倩女士 M Charles Leland

  2. EF001. 香港交易及結算所有限公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司對本公告的內容概不負責,對其準確性或完整性亦不發表任何聲明,並明確表示,概不對因公告全部或任何部份內容而產生或因倚賴該等內容而引致的任何損失承擔任何責任。. 於本公告日期,執行董事為黃 ...

  3. 志強先生 趙維漢先生 張江紅女士 董事會設有三個委員會。各董事會成員在這些委員會中所擔任的職位載列如下: 審核委員會 趙維漢先生(主席) 周國基先生 志強先生 張江紅女士 薪酬委員會 趙維漢先生 (主席) 廖莉莉女士 周國基先生 志強先生

    • Other Controlling Shareholders
    • Management Independence
    • Services and Products Purchasing Agreement
    • Property Leasing Agreement
    • Financial Independence
    • Financial Services Agreement

    Immediately upon the Listing (assuming no changes to our issued share capital between the Latest Practicable Date and the Listing), Rong Chang will control the exercise of approximately [REDACTED]% of voting rights at the general meetings of the Company as a result of entering into of the acting-in-concert agreement between Sen Rong and Rong Chang,...

    Rong Chang was established as a holding company to hold interest in our Company for the benefit of certain senior employees of Ping An and its subsidiaries and associates (the “RC Beneficiaries”). Its nominee shareholders, Mr. Wenwei Dou and Ms. Wenjun Wang, two of our non-executive Directors, act upon, and vote and pass resolutions in relation to ...

    Having considered the following factors, our Directors are satisfied that our business will function independently from our Controlling Shareholders and their respective close associates after the Listing.

    Our business is managed and conducted by our Board and senior management. Upon Listing, our Board will consist of eleven Directors, including three executive Directors, four non-executive Directors and four independent non-executive Directors. For more information, please see section headed “Directors and Senior Management”. Our Directors consider ...

    Certain subsidiaries and associates of Ping An will provide certain services to us, such as technology services and products, service solution module outsourcing services, operation management services and products, healthcare-related products and services and rewards program products in exchange for fees. In addition, Ping An will provide certain ...

    We lease properties from certain subsidiaries of Ping An for office use by paying rental fees. Our Directors are of the view that the leasing arrangements with such subsidiaries of Ping An will be in the best interests of our Company, taking into account the following factors: compared with Independent Third Parties, Ping An has a better understand...

    We have established our own finance department with a team of independent financial staff who are responsible for our financial management, accounting, reporting, funding and internal control functions, which are independent from Ping An and/or its close associates. We are capable of making financial decisions independently according to our own nee...

    Our Group has deposited funds with subsidiaries of Ping An, and intends to continue to have deposits with subsidiaries of Ping An upon completion of the Listing in our ordinary course of business. However, such deposit arrangement does not affect the financial independence of our Company from the Ping An Group, as no financial assistance is being p...

    Our Company has adopted the following corporate governance measures to avoid potential conflict of interests with our Controlling Shareholders and safeguard the interests of our Shareholders as a whole: the decision-making mechanism of the Board as set out in the Articles includes provisions to avoid conflicts of interest by providing, among other ...

  4. – 2 – 序號 股東姓名 名稱 認繳註冊 資本 持股比例 (人民幣 萬元) (%) 5. 新余眾昇服務管理中心(有限合夥) 2,221 1.0399 6. 王曉申 2,200 1.0301 7. 新余鴻途服務管理中心(有限合夥) 2,958 1.3850 8. 新余智信服務管理中心(有限合夥) 1,907 0.8929

  5. 3 張倩女士 張倩女士,37 歲,現任本集團首席人才官、江蘇眾煦醫藥有限公司(「眾煦醫 藥」,本公司的一間全資附屬公司)總經理及信達生物製藥(蘇州)有限公司、蘇 州信達生物科技有限公司、信達生物科技有限公司、信達生物製藥(杭州)有限公

  6. 莉君女士 麥展鵬先生 獨立非執行董事 陳曉峰先生,榮譽勳章、太平紳士 鄭文聰教授,銅紫荊星章、榮譽勳章、太平紳士 吳嵩先生,太平紳士(澳大利亞) 審核委員會 吳嵩先生,太平紳士(澳大利亞)(主席) 陳曉峰先生,榮譽勳章、太平紳士

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