雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. An elevated experience. HSBC Premier Elite provides an elevated experience that takes your everyday above and beyond. Join Premier Elite from now until 30 June 2024 to enjoy welcome rewards worth up to HKD86,300, including new funds offer, wealth offers, best-in-class health, dining, travel, and lifestyle benefits.

  2. Find information relating to our services, terms and conditions and other updates. HSBC Hong Kong offers a range of bank accounts with 24/7 online banking services for investments, insurance, credit cards, loans, mortgages and savings.

  3. 滙豐「現金套現」分期計劃更設有固定每月還款額,還款期由6至60個月,兼享特惠個人化每月手續費,特別適合喜歡穩定還款的旅行發燒友。 想知道您的「現金套現」分期計劃的每月還款額和每日平均手續費是多少? 用我們的 「現金套現」分期計劃還款計算機 了解多點。 至於習慣靈活還款的旅遊達人,也可以選擇 滙豐「現金套現」計劃 。 計劃不設固定還款期和還款額,更有180日優惠年息期,每月償還幾多由您決定,快閃幾次都不用擔心。 記住這些套現貼士,就可以捉緊每個快閃機會,想飛就飛! 借定唔借? 還得到先好借! 立即申請. 旅遊快閃優惠一浪接一浪,想捉緊優惠同時保留充裕現金? 我們告訴您信用卡套現方法的的 4 大貼士,等您輕鬆借到額外現金,玩盡快閃之旅。

  4. Structured Products. Equity-linked Investments. Important risk warning. What is an equity-linked investment? An equity-linked investment (ELI) could help you capture potential wealth opportunities even when the market is volatile or stagnant.

  5. 對滙豐One有疑問? 讓我們幫您。 在常見問題頁面尋找解答,並希望您找到想要的答案。

  6. An equity-linked investment (ELI) is a type of structured product. Its investment return is directly linked to the performance of a single underlying equity or a basket of up to 4 underlying equities. An ELI is typically a short to medium-term investment product that may provide potential yield enhancement.

  7. HSBC HK. Credit Cards. Red Hot Rewards. Earn extra RewardCash. Apart from earning basic RewardCash through your credit card spending and extra RewardCash through our Red Hot Offers, you can also earn up to 2.4% RewardCash rebate all year round after registering Red Hot Rewards of Your Choice.

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