雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2017年11月1日 · A Basic Guide to Kenrokuen Garden. Masayoshi Sakamoto (坂本正敬) Updated November 1, 2017. Gardens Shoryudo Kanazawa Ishikawa Hokuriku. Kenrokuen is one of the absolute must-see spots in Kanazawa. It's received three stars in the Michelin Green Guide and drew as many as 3 million visitors as of 2015.

  2. 2017年11月1日 · The two most prominent symbols of Kanazawa, the capital of Ishikawa Prefecture, are Kanazawa Castle and Kenrokuen Garden. These two sites were emblematic of the power of the clan that dominated the region throughout the Edo Period (1603-1868). Located right beside one another, if you see nothing else in Kanazawa, you must see these two sites.

  3. In Tokyo since 2006—haven't stopped exploring Japan since! 御守是日本寺廟和神社裏最常售賣的小的護身符。 根據奉納的神像或佛像的不同,傳言每個護身符能在不同方面帶來幸運和保護。 下面介紹的是日本人最常戴在身上或用作禮品的六種幸運護身符。

  4. 2017年3月10日 · 1.進入Airbnb網站. 2.輸入住宿地點、時間、人數查詢. 3.每個物件皆有房源介紹、評價、房子及房東照片,每個房源的設施及限制可能有很大差異,看準之後即可預訂。 4.於Airbnb建立您的帳號(可以Facebook快速認證) 5.輸入訂房與信用卡付款資料,此時可向房東自我介紹,訂房成功會收到email通知,即刻起可與房東進行訊息聯繫。 6.住宿結束旅程歸來,於網站書寫評價,房東亦會給予您評價,成為您日後訂房的信用基礎。 <註>Airbnb不像一般飯店旅館只要有空房即可預訂,Airbnb的房東可以個人理由拒絕您的預訂。 接下來小編將分享使用Airbnb入住澤一家Guest House的經驗,帶您一起深入當地生活、與地元交流,展開一場「像生活般的旅行」。

  5. 創業於天保時期的石川屋本舖,其代表作商品為以四季呈現的「KAICHIN(かいちん)」,堪稱是金澤傳統和菓子的代表之作,至今仍是不少日本人心中的伴手禮首選,這款擁有可愛造型且透亮外表的軟糖,光看外觀就能充分感受到職人手作的用心,相信收禮的人也 ...

  6. 2018年10月17日 · Shrines can be found just about everywhere in Japan. But shrines in Kyushu are special, because Kyushu is, according to legend, home to the first places where the Shinto gods descended to Earth. The following shrines mark five of Shintoism's most significant spots. 5. Aso Shrine (Kumamoto) http://donation.yahoo.co.jp/detail/5066001/

  7. 2019年5月31日 · Home. Full List: Japan’s UNESCO Shrines & Temples! amanaimages.com. Japan is home to thousands of historic shrines and temples, and quite a few of them are UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Visiting these places offers a great insight into Japanese culture. Let’s take a look at where you can find these must-see destinations. 8.