雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 透過不同種類的手工藝職人技巧 認識日本的傳統工藝遺產. 日本卓越的工藝技巧有着悠久的歷史,從其傳統工藝的深厚根基可見一斑,且至今仍在全國各地蓬勃發展。 你甚至可能曾在熱門動畫作品《你的名字》中,看過組紐(日本傳統編織)友誼手繩所展現的日本手工藝。 以下是三種仍然以傳統方式製作的獨特手工藝品: (1) 精緻美觀的裝飾手鞠; (2) 設計巧妙且錯綜複雜的箱根寄木細工; (3) 鐵匠和刀具製作熱點──福井縣 越前市 出產的越前刀具。 這些物品非常適合用作紀念品或送禮,讓旅客把日本手工藝及傳統技術編織的歷史帶回家。 手鞠:有着古老歷史的華麗迷人小球. 手鞠以紙、稻殼和棉線等簡單材料製成,有不同大小的尺寸,上面是錯綜複雜的幾何圖案或裝飾花紋的刺繡。

  2. "Tenugui" Hand Towels Make for Perfect Souvenirs | JAPAN Monthly Web Magazine | JNTO. “Tenugui” are a type of traditional Japanese towel. Since tenugui have a smooth texture that is unlike typical Western terrycloth towels, they can be used in various ways other than just drying hands or bodies.

  3. 好古園 是位於姬路城一側的日式園林,它由九座帶圍牆的獨立花園組成,每座花園都採用不同的江戶時代風格。 該庭園為紀念 姬路市 建市 100 周年而建,於 1992 年開放。 乘船觀光. 姬路城周圍原修鑿有三層壕溝,僅有一處保留至今,稱為內壕溝。 若你在星期六、星期日或公共假日參觀,可乘船沿著壕溝遊覽。

  4. How to climb Mt. Fuji, Japan's most famous peak. Towering over Japan at 3,776 meters tall, Mt. Fuji is a worldwide symbol of Japan and a spiritual landmark for its residents. Despite its size, Mt. Fuji is climbed by more than 200,000 hikers every year, including many novices.

  5. Shirakami Sanchi is a vast primeval beech forest home to a precious population of animals and plants. Stretching over two of Japan's northern prefectures, Aomori and Akita , a visit to Shirakami Sanchi allows you to explore the largest virgin beech forest in East Asia.

  6. MAP. Meet the Buddha that towers over Ibaraki. One of the three largest Buddha statues in the world, Ushiku Daibutsu is said to be big enough to hold Nara Prefecture's Todaiji Buddha statue in its hand. Visit and climb this statue to take in amazing views of the area and learn about the Jodo Shinshu sect of Buddhism. Don't Miss.

  7. 2022年7月26日 · The concept of the ‘yokai’ spirits is a fuzzy one but has birthed some of the most iconic pieces of Japanese pop culture such as The Ring, Pokémon and the Amabie sea creature said to help protect Japan from the spread of Covid-19. But what exactly are they and what are they doing on a quaint island in Japan’s inland sea?

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