雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Apple leadership biographies include Apple’s executive team responsibilities and experience. Learn more about Apple’s leadership team. 管理层简介 Tim Cook CEO Katherine Adams Senior Vice President and General

  2. Carol Surface is Apple’s chief People officer, reporting to CEO Tim Cook. As the leader of the People team, Carol supports the connection, development, and care for Apple’s employees around the world. Her team oversees functions including talent development and Apple University, recruiting, employee relations and experience, benefits ...

  3. Apple 任命无线技术副总裁葛越为副总裁及大中华区董事总经理。 葛越表示:“我很荣幸有这个机会在中国代表Apple,与我们非常有才华的团队更紧密合作。Apple 所有人都对为我们业务所在的社区做出的贡献感到自豪,我期待着加深我们团队与中国顾客、政府和企业的联系,以推动创新和可持续发展。

  4. Apple 通过 Apple 开发者学院提供两种不同的培训计划:30 天基础课程和 10-12 月学院项目。. 前者涵盖特定的主题领域,包括为立志从事 app 开发工作的学员提供入门级课程;后者探索的内容更为广泛,将更深入地培养编程和专业技能。. Apple 在美国的首家学院位于 ...

    • 曹熙奉1
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  5. Craig Federighi is Apple’s senior vice president of Software Engineering, reporting to CEO Tim Cook. Craig oversees the development of iOS and macOS. His teams are responsible for delivering the software at the heart of Apple’s innovative products, including the user interface, applications and frameworks. Craig returned to Apple in 2009 to ...

  6. 获奖者是全球 iPhone 摄影师社群中的佼佼者. 今年年初的几周时间里,来自全球各地的摄影师在 Shot on iPhone 微距摄影大赛中分享了自己的微距摄影佳作,通过 iPhone 13 Pro 和 iPhone 13 Pro Max 拍摄的照片,让幽微细节展现出惊人美感。 今天,Apple 揭晓了 10 位获奖者。 他们来自中国、匈牙利、印度、意大利、西班牙、泰国与美国等国家,是 iPhone 摄影师国际化、多元化社群的杰出代表。 他们拍摄的惊艳照片将在 apple.com 和一些城市的广告牌上展示。

  7. Sabih Khan is Apple’s senior vice president of Operations and a member of Apple’s executive leadership team. Learn more about Sabih.