雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Hong Kong Jockey Club. Among the top horses with whom he was most closely associated were River Verdon, Mr Vitality, Privilege, Oriental Express and Indigenous. He consolidated an ongoing, very successful relationship between Hong Kong and South African racing, begun by Bart Leisher in the '80s and continued by Felix Coetzee and Douglas Whyte.

  2. 香港賽績:62戰12勝. 贏得獎金總額:45,125,289港元. 「原居民」是一匹愛爾蘭進口自購馬,出道後不久即在2400米賽事中奠定了超然地位。. 牠在港首季先後由兩位練馬師訓練,第二季轉投愛倫馬房,愛倫為當時的冠軍練馬師,在馬壇上享負盛名。. 他們從此結下 ...

  3. 六合彩是從1至49個號碼中選出六個為中獎號碼的獎券,由香港賽馬會的附屬公司. 「香港馬會獎券有限公司」經辦 。. 六合彩每星期攪珠三次,通常於星期二、星期四及非賽馬日之星期六或日晚上舉行,. 並由電視台現場直播。. 攪珠結果. 每期攪珠結果均會透過 ...

  4. 馬主:劉錫康先生及夫人 香港賽績: 26戰12勝 「靚蝦王」凸顯了香港在國際馬壇上的地位,曾三度獲選為香港最受公眾歡迎馬匹,亦曾勝出日本最重要一哩賽事安田紀念賽(國際一級賽)。

  5. Hong Kong shows East Asia it can “Be the Legend”. History was made from 5 to 13 December 2009 when Hong Kong successfully hosted its first-ever international multi-sports event, the 5th East Asian Games – and once again, The Hong Kong Jockey Club was there to play a valuable supporting role.

  6. Sir Phineas Ryrie, the first chairman of the Hong Kong Jockey Club in 1884, was also chairman of the General Chamber of Commerce and a Legislative Councillor from 1867 until his death in 1892. He originally came from Stornoway in the remote, far north of Scotland. He was one of three brothers famed for their connection to the China trade.

  7. 郭子猷在日本神戶巿出生,其原籍廣東的父親在當地經營餐館,母親則是日本人。 他於1937年初次來港,其後在澳門首度出賽便贏得頭馬,後於1941年開始在港策騎。 歷年以來,在香港眾多著名騎師之中,郭子猷可算是最早成名的一位。 在香港來說,騎師的知名度向來均可與電影明星媲美,時至今日仍是如此。

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