雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 主頁. 監管局將於6月22日下午2時30分舉辦公開講座. The EAA will organise a public seminar on 22 June at 2:30 pm (conducted in Cantonese only) 監管局最新一期《專業天地》經已出版. Latest issue of Horizons released. 電子單張供持牌人向客戶解釋《打擊洗錢條例》要求取得客戶身分證明文件及備存副本作紀錄.

  2. 年報概述了監管局規管地產代理業界執業的主要工作、及截至2021年3月31日財政年度的財務回顧,亦重點記載監管局在年內積極應對新冠疫情帶來. EAA produces the Annual Report every year as a major tool to The communicate with its target audiences. The EAA Annual Report 2020/21 was published in late October and tabled at the Legislative Council.

  3. (16 November 2021) The Board of the Estate Agents Authority (“EAA”) held its meeting today and appointed the chairmen of its five standing committees, which oversee different aspects of the EAA’s work respectively. The EAA Board is the highest decision-making authority of the EAA.

  4. 紀律研訊. 持續專業進修計劃. 資訊中心. 監管局於2021年3月20日於信報財經新聞Facebook專頁舉行「境外置業實戰攻略講座」,由呂婉瑩小姐(《信報》主持)擔任主持,而嘉賓講者則包括莊太量教授(香港中文大學經濟學系副教授及佐德全球經濟及金融研究所常務所長)、楊書健先生(安泓投資有限公司投資總監及香港大學房地產及建設系客席副教授)以及梁德麗律師(地產代理監管局規管及法律總監)。 講座全長約一小時,歡迎各位公眾人士重溫當日精彩內容。 地產代理監管局網上講座:「境外置業實戰攻略」影片重溫. Watch on. 202103-Public-Seminar-Highlights.

  5. The EAA is a statutory body established in November 1997 under the Estate Agents Ordinance. Its principal functions are to regulate the practice of estate agency in Hong Kong, promote integrity and competence within the industry, and facilitate training for estate agency practitioners to enhance their standards and status.

  6. Chair Professor of Real Estate and Construction, The University of Hong Kong Director, Ronald Coase Centre for Property Rights Research, The University of Hong Kong. Member, Home Purchase Allowance Appeals Committee. Member, Industry Consultative Network, Real Estate Agency, Employees Retraining Board. Member, Appeals Tribunal (Building) (2002 ...

  7. 監管局新一屆董事局於2020年11月25日舉行首次會議,並委任五個常設委員會的主席,以監督監管局不同範疇的工作。 各常設委員會的主席名單如下: The EAA welcomes the Government’s appointment of Ms Elaine Liu, JP to succeed Professor William Leung Wing-cheung, SBS, JP as the new Chairman of the EAA Board effective from 1 November 2020.

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