雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 禮儀日本社會以及文化當中都佔據著相當重要的位置。日本人之間的交往大都基於「以心傳心」這個樸素道理。因此,有很多不會白紙黑字說出來的規矩,你需要實際生活一段時間,或者來日本之前好好了解,體會一下。日本人由於從少就受著這種教育,對本國獨特的禮儀自然不陌生,但身為 ...

  2. 2017年3月10日 · Collectively known as yamahoko (or sometimes yamaboko), these floats display a level of craftsmanship that is unparalleled for festival arts in Japan, earning them a place among UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.The yamahoko started to develop into impressive structures during the Medieval Period, but it was the wealth of the Edo-Period (1603-1868 ...

  3. 2020年9月7日 · Natural. Nanzoin: Discover Fukuoka's Reclined Buddha. Elizabeth Sok Updated September 7, 2020. Temples Historical Site Hiking Buddhism Japanese Countryside Temples & Shrines Great Outdoors Kyushu. Over one hundred and twenty years old, Nanzoin Temple is about 25 minutes by train from Fukuoka City's primary travel hub, Hakata Station.

  4. 2018年7月27日 · Hanamikoji Street. Hanamikoji Street (花見小路通, "flower viewing alley") is a historic street that's located on the south side of Shijo-dori. It's a popular part of Gion to spot a geisha or maiko, especially in the evening as they elegantly hurry to an appointment. The best way to enjoy the historic atmosphere of the area is to take a ...

  5. 2020年7月1日 · Visitors gather in Aichi Prefecture, in central Japan, to get a glimpse of a special flower, the "Queen of the Night." The flowers bloom in the evening once a year between June and July, but withers by morning. The park staff placed the flower in a dark area for a few days so it would blossom during daylight business hours to woo visitors.

  6. 九州七星號列車是JR九州所推出的臥鋪列車,環繞九州島行駛,於2013年10月15日起開行。. 與日本其他已停駛及行駛中的臥鋪列車不同的是,本列車是針對日本國內及亞洲的金字塔頂端客層為對象,以套裝旅遊行程的形式販賣,並不單賣車票。. 儘管如此,依然 ...

  7. 2018年9月22日 · 1853年,东印度舰队司令官马修佩里率领四艘黑漆漆的军舰来到日本,当时闭关锁国的日本国民像看到外星人一样震惊了。 佩里要求向日本官方递交总统国书,同时要求日本门户开放,但被幕府用各种理由搪塞了。 因为军舰补给问题,佩里没有动武,但他表示“I will be back.”,这次事件史称“黑船来航”。 时至1854年,正是清朝太平天国运动如火如荼之际,佩里如约又来了,这次完全是有备而来,率领七艘军舰开到横滨港。 佩里提督神奈川登陆图. http://www.geocities.jp/saitohmoto/hobby/gakki/Perry/Yokohama1854.JPG. 无路可退的江户幕府,为了避免挨打,只好与之签订了不平等条约《神奈川条約》,开放了两处港口。 当然这只是开始。