雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2020年1月20日 · 近年,在廣島的生口島有一個網紅打卡熱點,由各種奇石堆疊而成的藝術秘境「未來心之丘」,丘上的獨特景色屬鄰近地區罕有,「希臘風大理石城」、「日版愛琴海」、「無瑕聖地」等等的美稱層出不窮,也難怪交通儘管不便卻仍有大量旅客慕名而來。走進這潔白無瑕的浪漫國度,的確讓人感受到 ...

  2. 2016年8月8日 · The premise of Shinya Shokudo (literally, "Midnight Eatery") is incredibly simple: Every day after midnight, different motley crews of characters enter a tiny eatery called Shinya Shokudo, where they share their life stories. Yet the takeaway message from each episode can be remarkably profound, leaving behind an indelible mark in the readers ...

  3. 2017年1月5日 · Sanrio’s latest creation looks destined to hit very close to home with a lot of people. Her name is Aggretsuko and she’s a 25-year-old red panda (usually called a “lesser panda” in Japan) who works in an office and is growing increasingly disillusioned with what should be the best years of her life. Aggretsuko must deal with being at ...

  4. 2023年7月31日 · 岛波海道是连接日本爱媛县和广岛县的美丽自行车道及自驾游路线,正式的名称叫做“岛波海道自行车道”。岛波海道利用了连接濑户内海的很多岛屿的桥。由共计10座桥构成,从今治市(爱媛县)到尾道市(广岛县)约70公里。在广阔的道路上,可以享受骑自行车和兜风的乐趣。

  5. 2016年12月22日 · 法隆寺的正式名称是法隆学门寺,正如这一正式名称所述,是一处佛教教学的道场。又称斑鸠寺,位于日本奈良县生驹郡斑鸠町,是圣德太子于飞鸟时代建造的佛教木结构寺院,据传始建于607年。 法隆寺占地面积约18万7千平方米,寺内保存有大量自飞鸟时代以来陆续累积,被日本政府指定为国宝 ...

  6. 2020年9月7日 · Travel. > Natural. Nanzoin: Discover Fukuoka's Reclined Buddha. Elizabeth Sok Updated September 7, 2020. Temples Historical Site Hiking Buddhism Japanese Countryside Temples & Shrines Great Outdoors Kyushu. Over one hundred and twenty years old, Nanzoin Temple is about 25 minutes by train from Fukuoka City's primary travel hub, Hakata Station.

  7. 2018年6月28日 · Sanrio Puroland is an indoor park in Tokyo dedicated solely to the beloved Sanrio characters, featuring small rides, shows, parades, shops and restaurants all centered around Hello Kitty, Gudetama and other friends. Every corner of the park is filled with the usual cuteness overload of the characters, creating a wholesome experience for all.

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