雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 據說早期居民還曾將它們當作冷藏設施。 「鳴澤冰穴」由兩個雙層環狀洞穴構成,洞內有通往各地的神秘出風口。 誠如其名,洞裡全年氣溫均在冰點以下。 在冰箱發明以前,居民習慣將冰塊儲存於此,以供夏天使用。 「富岳風穴」向下傾斜的坡度較緩和,故溫度常年維持在涼爽的攝氏3度。 它曾被拿來儲存樹果、種子,還有幼蠶。 幼蠶離開洞窟後,因溫度變高,便以為春天已到。 只要細心規劃、把握時機,這裡全年都能養蠶取絲。 此外,有一個位於青木之原深處的洞穴,雖然從未發現有人類使用過,其卻是另一種哺乳類動物─蝙蝠─的家。 冬季時,「蝙蝠洞」裡的溫度比洞外高,此特性使它成為冬眠的理想場所。 蝙蝠善於隱藏,就算白天進入洞內也不容易看到。

  2. 2018年8月1日 · A Japanese artist who goes by the name of Wakuneco is helping pet owners memorialize their furry friends with lifelike felt portraits.

  3. 2016年7月25日 · Rock-paper-scissors, or Janken in Japanese, is a cultural keystone in Japan, with all kinds of disputes, disagreements and predicaments being resolved through the game’s simple mechanics. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rock-paper-scissors.

  4. 2017年12月21日 · Historical. Hakone Sekisho: Historical Checkpoint. Michael Kanert Updated December 21, 2017. Historical Site Mount Fuji Hakone Greater Tokyo Kanagawa Kanto. pixta.jp. The Hakone Sekisho (箱根関所), or Hakone Checkpoint, was the first major checkpoint on the Tokaido (東海道) highway connecting Edo (now Tokyo) with Kyoto.

  5. 2016年9月15日 · Historical Checkpoint. The town was not just meant for passing daimyo and their retainers to warm their bones and stop by for a pleasant meal, though: Hakone was also a security checkpoint.

  6. 2017年11月2日 · The Sengoku Period (roughly 1467-1590) was the golden age of ninja in Japan, with Iga in Mie Prefecture and Koga in Shiga Prefecture emerging as the bastions of two key schools of these shadow warriors. Iga Ninja (Mie Prefecture) The Iga ninja originated in Iga Province in the area around the towns of Iga and Ueno in Mie Prefecture.

  7. 2018年7月26日 · Hokuryu Sunflower Village is one of the brightest of Hokkaido's flower fields, filled with 1.5 million yellow sunflowers that bloom from mid-July to mid-August. Besides admiring the huge blooms, visitors can also check out a sunflower maze, enjoy tractor rides or try snacks made with (you guessed it!) sunflower seeds. - www.veltra.com.