雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 滙豐卓越理財在2024年於網上訪問進行調研,訪問多於900名24-64歲個人流動資產總值港幣100萬元或以上,以及子女年齡介乎6-22歲的家長,了解中產家庭對子女及海外的想法與需要。報告顯示受訪家長表示計劃由小學階段至初中階段開始環球升學較去年增超過10百分點,2/3 受訪家長期望環球升學讓子女 ...

  2. 滙豐One 撐起每個Legend 滙豐One相信要做世一,就要敢去挑戰。放膽做自己,legend就係你!為咗鼓勵大家,滙豐One破天荒聯乘LoL世界級電競隊T1,希望透過佢哋嗰份無限熱誠,堅定信念,去感染每個legendary嘅你。

  3. The perceived affluent benchmark has grown by 8% from last year, significantly exceeding the actual average and revealing a marked disparity. Increased caution towards wealth management in 2023. This year, 49% of respondents have adopted a more cautious approach, reflecting an 8% increase from the previous year.

  4. 參賽者需於2024年4月15日至2024年5月31日中午12時正,包括首尾兩天期間年齡符合6歲至14歲(「參賽者」)。 一經參賽,參賽者及提名人將被視為已閱讀、完全明白並同意所有條款及細則。 參賽要求. 每位參賽者必須嚴格遵守報名表格的所有參賽要求,包括但不限於「作品提交日期」、「參賽資格」、「獎品」、「參賽方法」、「比賽要求」、「評分準則」、「得獎安排」、「比賽流程」等;假若無法遵守,該參賽資格將被即時取消,主辦單位毋須另行通知。 提名人必須為年滿18歲或以上之現有滙豐客戶,並以家長或監護人身份提名。 提名人及參賽者須於報名表提供完整的個人資料。 提名人及參賽者的個人資料僅供是次比賽及行政、籌辦、及宣傳用途。

  5. Open an HSBC One account in just 5 minutes in the HSBC HK App 5. You’ll get a chance to win exclusive tickets to HSBC One x T1《League of One》party, and get a reward up to HKD4,588. HSBC One believes if you want be world no. 1, you have to challenge yourself. Be bold. Be yourself. Be the legend that you are. That’s why we’re teaming up ...

  6. This condition can be reversed, and future illnesses prevented, with timely lifestyle changes. It is only with good health that you can look forward to a carefree retirement. Dietary nutrition Nutrients and calories are the 2 keys to maintaining a balanced diet. There are 6 essentials that you need to ingest daily.

  7. Borrower = The person responsible for the loan debt and for making payments. Example: Anson is getting married next year and wants to buy a new apartment in joint names with his fiancée. They will both be the owners (mortgagors) while Anson (also as borrower) will be responsible for repaying the mortgage. What this means: Borrowing capacity ...