雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 吉地士. 《米芝蓮》星級食府吉地士是香港首間主理法式精緻法國菜的餐廳,設計華麗堂皇,餐廳主廚安素菲(Anne-Sophie Nicolas)以「現代經典」(modern classic)烹飪風格設計菜式。. 吉地士在香港及世界其它地方提供美食及佳釀已經超過 70 年。. 獎項和榮譽. 2024 ...

  2. 擁有超過15年的頂尖美食界經驗的安素菲將接替於2023年晉升為香港半島酒店副行政總廚的郭毅彬 (Albin Gobil) ,成為吉地士的主廚。. 安素菲曾於多間頂尖的米芝蓮星級餐廳工作,包括Le Meurice Paris、 L'Atelier de Joël Robuchon Étoile、 Restaurant Guy Savoy 及 Ritz Paris等,期間 ...

  3. The “modern-classic” menus encompass both quintessentially French preparations – Foie gras terrine, Anjou pigeon, Tartare de bœuf, Langue de veau. Wine pairings from Chef Sommelier Marc Le Gallic further elevate the rarefied offerings. Awards and Accolades: One Michelin star, <<Michelin Guide Hong Kong Macau 2024>>.

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  4. Following an illustrious Michelin-starred career that has seen him through some of the world’s most renowned gastronomic capitals, culinary maestro Xavier Boyer has landed at The Peninsula Hong Kong as Chef at Gaddi’s.

  5. Gaddi’s has held a prized Michelin star for the fifth consecutive year since 2020, testament to the continuing gastronomic allure of this legendary institution. Gaddi’s is thrilled to welcome Anne-Sophie as the first female chef to take the helm at this prestigious fine-dining landmark.

  6. 為迎接中秋佳節,嘉麟樓米芝蓮星級廚藝團隊特別呈獻三款手工醬料,滿足一眾嗜辣饕客的味蕾。. 手工醬料包括嘉麟樓經典XO辣椒醬、全新推出的四川風味辣椒醬和潮式辣椒醬,各具風味,可昇華美食體驗或作送禮佳品。. XO辣椒醬由嘉麟樓的廚師於 1986 年首創 ...

  7. 酒店於 1986 年推出首創的迷你奶黃月餅,糅合傳統餅食製作與西方糕餅技術,為傳統中秋月餅打開新局面。. 酥化金黃餅皮包著香滑濃郁的奶黃,製作工序繁複講究。. 月餅以高貴典雅的禮盒盛載,設計以嘉麟樓充滿藝術風格韻味之陳設裝潢及流金歲月的彩繪 ...