雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年3月11日 · “东京沉浸城堡”是世界首座完全沉浸式的主题乐园,于2024年3月1日在台场“维纳城堡”购物中心旧址开幕。这座乐园宣示了主题乐园的发展进入一个全新阶段,入场者将以悬疑、恐怖、动作的世界为舞台,展开情节,参加各种身历情境的沉浸式体验。

  2. 2024年5月16日 · 六本木简介. 六本木位于东京市中心的港区,邻近目黑、惠比寿、银座等各大繁华区以及东京塔等热门景点。. 六本木中心地带有著名的“六本木十字路口”,这处人流、车流均多的路口座落于高速公路高架桥下,桥体侧面装饰了2个“ROPPONGI”造型文字,形似隧道 ...

  3. 2 天前 · “LoveLive! Superstar!!” will be held as a new special exhibition at “Anime Tokyo” (from 5/18 to 8/18) 將舉辦「Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia 2024」。 最新話題 介紹最新流行趨勢、新觀光景點、東京特有的魅力遊玩方式等。 查看詳情 隅田公園櫻花祭. 看更多. 在元宇宙與現實間探索東京. 挑禮也是認識日本時下飲食文化的機會ーー在原宿、虎之門與銀座發現伴手禮新選擇. 透過敞篷巴士之旅發現東京新魅力. 反映時下潮流與促進文化交流的生活據點ーー東京「高架橋下設施」三選. 活動年曆. 看更多. 1月. 2月. 3月. 春. 4月. 最新活動. 今日活動.

    • Edo Castle Turned Imperial Palace
    • Visiting The Tokyo Imperial Palace
    • Imperial Palace Walking Tour
    • East Gardens
    • "Ippan Sanga"- Seeing The Imperial Family
    • Hotels Near The Imperial Palace

    For over 250 years, Japan was ruled by the Tokugawa shogun during what was known as the Edo Period – Edo being the old name for Tokyo. The current Imperial Palace, known as Kokyo in Japanese, sits on the former site of Edo Castle. However, in 1868, the shogunate was overthrown, and Japan’s capital was moved from Kyoto to Tokyo, with the Imperial Re...

    You can call by the site of the Imperial Palaceany time –its perimeter is a popular jogging route and the East Gardens are open to the public year-round. However, to make the most of your visit and get a good historical overview, put on some comfortable shoes and take a walking tour. Check the Imperial Palace’s official website for a map of the gro...

    Some part of the inner palace grounds can only be viewed on a tour, which is held in English and Japanese, twice daily, Tuesday thru Saturday. While same-day tickets are available, you can easily skip the queues by making an advance reservation for a ticket through contacting the Imperial Household Agency. The tour is open and distributed from 9:00...

    Open daily except Mondays, Fridays and designated holidays, these beautiful Japanese gardensare free to the public and especially popular for their dazzling cherry blossoms during the spring and their vibrant autumn foliage later in the year. Take a stroll for a glimpse into the area’s history as the former site of Edo Castle-you can view and climb...

    Since the Imperial Palace is the main residence of the Imperial Family, it is fairly understandable that they can’t welcome visitors all year round. But there are two days a year when you catch a glimpse of them up close. As part of a New Year celebration, on January 2nd, the grounds of the Imperial Palace are open to the general public. Large crow...

    Sitting truly in the heart of Tokyo and with great access to the city, there are plenty of hotels around the Imperial Palace. Imperial Hotel Tokyois a luxurious hotel that has won 5 stars on the hotel information website "five Star Alliance". It opened in 1890 in order to accommodate an influx of distinguished international visitors. The Forbes Tra...

  4. 2024年5月15日 · © Sensoji Temple. 3月可以到東京西部的高尾山參觀「 過火 」。 儀式中僧侶們會一邊朗誦著經文,一邊赤腳走過仍冒著煙的餘火。 3月 也是櫻花季節的開始,到4月初為止,日本各地都會舉辦 櫻花祭 。 其中,規模較大的有「上野櫻花祭」、「 千代田櫻花祭 」、「 隅田公園櫻花祭 」等。 4月 是春季正式降臨的時節。 櫻花祭 會一直持續到4月初櫻花開始飄落為止。 櫻花凋零、花瓣紛飛的景象正是日本人心目中轉瞬即逝之美的代表。 每年4月底至5月初舉辦的「 明治神宮 春季大祭 」,將會於戶外表演日本傳統藝能。 此外, 高尾山 的藥王院也會舉行「春季大祭」。 5月. 堪稱日本三大祭之一的「神田祭」,是一個具有宗教意義的盛大祭典。

  5. 2019年11月5日 · 了解更多. 东京旅游官方网站GO TOKYO >. 东京旅游景点 >. 艺术・设计 >. 建筑物 >. 享誉全球的日本建筑大师. 丹下健三、黑川纪章、安藤忠雄、隈研吾是享誉全球的4位建筑大师。. 下面,让我们踏上探索建筑世界的旅程,感受大师们为东京这座大都市唤醒的建筑美。.

  6. 日比谷的新景点,可随时邂逅哥斯拉。 1995年为纪念哥斯拉诞生40周年而创作的哥斯拉像于2018年移至“TOHO CINEMA日比谷”,附近同时还有一尊以2016年《新・哥斯拉》电影中的哥斯拉为形象创作的哥斯拉像。日比谷哥斯拉广场附近便是电影中登场的有乐町 ...