雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 回憶與致意. 施偉賢爵士 - 香港賽馬會主席 1993-96 (2:14) 周湛燊 - 香港賽馬會副主席 1998-2002 (2:01) 夏佳理 - 香港賽馬會主席 2002-06 (1:30) 陳祖澤 - 香港賽馬會主席 (2:16) 羅格 - 國際奧林匹克委員會主席 (1:21) 哈雅公主 - 國際馬術運動聯合會會長 (0:33)

  2. 牠在港首季先後由兩位練馬師訓練,第二季轉投愛倫馬房,愛倫為當時的冠軍練馬師,在馬壇上享負盛名。 他們從此結下不解之緣。 由愛倫訓練的首季,「原居民」攻下5仗,全部均為錦標賽事,包括香港金盃及冠軍暨遮打盃,因而成為當時評分最高的香港賽駒。 1998/99年度馬季,「原居民」再勝4項錦標賽,包括2400米香港國際瓶。 1999年夏季,「原居民」遠征英國,角逐2400米國際一級賽英皇錦標,結果取得第6名。 牠其後再接再厲,於同年11月在日本盃中勇奪亞軍,雖然未能獲勝,但對香港意義重大,因為牠證明了香港賽駒的實力已達到國際一級賽水平。 香港賽馬會125週年. 紀念馬票.

  3. Hong Kong Jockey Club. BASIL MARCUS. The former South African jockey came to Hong Kong in 1990 and proved an instant success, becoming a great favourite with local racing fans. He served as retainer jockey for two leading trainers, first Ivan Allan, then David Hayes. During 12 seasons riding in Hong Kong, he was champion jockey seven times.

  4. 1 2. 郭子猷的從騎生涯長達30年,曾奪得13屆冠軍騎師榮銜,並且六度打破場地紀錄。. 正式而言,他只是業餘騎師(香港賽馬於1971年始轉為職業化),但由於經常上陣出賽,大概早已視騎馬為正職。. 正因為他是業餘騎師,所以可擁有馬匹。. 不過,他亦以演員 ...

  5. Second runner-up Title: Joint Force together – Connect Dept(s): Public Affairs Name(s): Lui Sau Lan Irene Description: Joint forces from different directions. Achieving the same goal. Accomplishing the same mission. Connecting each other!

  6. Born on 12 July 1957, Ricky was a contemporary of Tony Cruz in the first- ever class at the Beas River Apprentice's School in the early 1970s, although he did not enjoy anything like Cruz's success in the saddle. For Yiu it was ...

  7. Born 25.04.1993 formerly Qualtron by Marju ex Sea Port by Averof brown Irish gelding. Private Purchase Owner: Mr & Mrs Pang Yuen-Hing Hong Kong record: 12 wins from 62 starts A private purchase from Ireland, Indigenous soon established his ...