雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. www1.hkexnews.hk › listedco › listconews董事之個人履歷

    其執導之電影《凶榜》在一九八一年亞洲電影節中獲頒發最佳特別效果獎;而其監製之電影也在香港電影節中屢獲獎項。. 余先生曾於電視廣播有限公司任職高級監製。. 彼於一九八零年獲跨國財團支持,加盟世紀影業公司任董事總經理。. 一九八一年後,彼主要從事 ...

  2. 6 天前 · A Biotech Company listed under Chapter 18A of the Listing Rules has its name that ends with the marker "B". . A Special Purpose Acquisition Company listed under Chapter 18B of the Listing Rules has its name that ends with marker "Z". . A Pre-Commercial Company listed under Chapter 18C of the Listing Rules has its name that ends with marker "P". .

  3. View Publications by Predefined Documents. Shareholding Disclosures. Disclosure of Interests. CCASS Shareholding Search. Stock Connect Shareholding Search. New Listings. Application Proof, OC Announcements, PHIP and Related Materials. New Listing Information. Progress Report for New Listing Applications.

  4. 鑑於全球牽起超級英雄主題電影熱潮,自二零一三年起,千值練香港開始與 多間知名美國娛樂及玩具品牌公司的特許授予人合作,並以熱門動畫及漫畫系列

  5. 該等上市債務證券被視為信貸風險較低,而且預期信貸虧損並不重大。. 截至二零二三年六月三十日,本集團持有的任何個別被投資公司的上市債務證券均未等於或超過本集團總資產的5%。. 於二零二三年六月三十日,集團持有69.01 億元(於二零二二年十二月三十一日為 ...

  6. 由於社交距離措施逐步放寬,電影放映市場 逐步復甦,以及新增3間戲院於本年度開始營 運,本集團之總收入增加52.8%至192,900,000 於本年度,本集團繼續實施多項措施以減輕 疫情帶來之不利影響,包括與業主進行磋商 以降低租金、採取員工成本節省措施

  7. GLOBAL OFFERING (Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) Stock Code : 2306 Joint Sponsors, Joint Global Coordinators, Joint Bookrunners and Joint Lead Managers Joint Bookrunners 乐华娱乐集团 YH Entertainment Group 乐华娱乐集团 YH