雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 最新優惠. 「只衛您」靈活自願醫保計劃是「只衛您」標準自願醫保計劃的加強版,提供更多元化的保障包括「腎透析」、「中風復康治療」、「緊急門診治療」等,以進一步提升您的整體醫療保障。 您更可靈活地選擇「附加門診保障」,讓您及家人可享額外保障。

  2. 智在遊最新優惠. 「至醒會」會員尊享 單次旅程保障或全年保障 - 保費8折優惠. 「至醒會」會員尊享 多次旅程保障 - 每程保費低至單次旅程保障保費的45折. 網上投保特別禮遇 6個月Deliveroo Plus銀級會員會籍 請按此了解有關條款及細則。. 「至醒會」會員尊享 淨保 ...

  3. Blue Cross is pleased to introduce a tailor-made Personal Accident Insurance, which provides you with worldwide personal accident protection against injury as well as financial stress when an unfortunate accident occurs.

  4. 最新優惠. 保費9折優惠. 「至醒會」會員投保,淨保費 HK$1 = 1「至醒積分」. 累積1,000分 = HK$50 獎賞或 200. 成為「至醒會」會員. 「個人意外保險」可供下載的文件.

  5. Travel Smart. Plan Features. Benefit Details. FAQs. 「Travel Smart」related documents download. Product Leaflet. Terms & Conditions. With a range of distinctive plans and comprehensive coverage, Travel Smart is your best travel companion.

  6. Blue Cross Love Yourself VHIS Plan is a comprehensive medical insurance plan that your major medical expenses will be fully covered. It offers an annual benefit limit of HK$6,000,000 with a lifetime renewal guarantee. Quote now and enjoy first year discount.

  7. Blue Cross provides one-stop online insurance service with a comprehensive range of products including medical, travel and general insurance, which cater to the needs of both individual and corporate customers for protection in their everyday life.

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