雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. A typhoon is a violent tropical cyclone, in meteorological term, which is a low pressure system occurring in tropical oceans. The winds above the ground circulate around the center counterclockwise for a typhoon occurring in the northern hemisphere and clockwise ...

  2. According to the evaluation by meteorological researchers with years of experience in rainmaking, artificial rainmaking by long-term planning of ground silver iodide burning can on average increase precipitation by 10%; whereas using aerial artificial rainmaking, by ...

  3. 2 交通部中央氣象局107 年度為民服務不定期考核優缺點紀錄摘要表 編號 受考核機關(構)或單 位名稱 優點及建議改進事項摘要 1 氣象資訊中心 優點: 1. 從內部預報作業(WINS)流程開始,將全部氣象觀測、預報資料集中管理,透過 即時氣象資訊供應系統(PDS),直接將訊息以單一窗口形式提供內、外部使用

  4. 首頁 | 交通部中央氣象局

  5. 月球因本身不發光,我們所見的月光是經月面反射的太陽光,由於月球繞地球公轉,當太陽和月球在天球上經度相同時,月球的背光面向著地球所以看不到月光,叫做合朔,定為陰曆月的開始,當月球繞到距日180度時,這時受光面全部對著地球,我們可見一輪明月,叫做望,月球由朔至望再回到朔 ...