雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. (3 August 2022) The Estate Agents Authority (“EAA”) welcomes the Government’s announcement today of the appointment of Mr Simon SIU Chak-yu, BBS, JP to succeed Ms Elaine LIU, JP as the new Chairman of the EAA Board effective from 29 July 2022.

  2. Latest issue of Horizons released. 電子單張供持牌人向客戶解釋《打擊洗錢條例》要求取得客戶身分證明文件及備存副本作紀錄. E-leaflet for licensees to explain to customers about the AMLO’s requirement of obtaining customers’ identity document and keep a copy for record. 監管局2022/23年年報經已出版. EAA Annual Report 2022/23 released. 地產代理良好處理劏房租賃約章.

  3. Press Release. 1. 監管局歡迎新任主席及成員. (2020 年10 月30 日)地產代理監管局(「監管局」)歡迎 政府今日宣布委任廖玉玲女士 JP(見附圖)接替梁永祥教授 SBS,JP 於2020 年11 月1 日起出任監管局董事局主席。. 監管局同時歡迎政府委任蕭澤宇先生BBS,JP,於 ...

  4. The new Vice-chairman Mr Simon SIU has been appointed by the Government as an EAA Board Member since November 2014, and had served as the Chairman of Practice and Examination Committee and Chairman of Section 28 Investigation Panel of the EAA respectively.

  5. 監管局同時歡迎政府委任羅孔君女士BBS,JP由同日起出任監管局副主席。. 監管局前主席廖玉玲女士自2008 年起加入監管局董事局,她在2020 年11月獲委任為監管局主席前,曾歷任監管局紀律委員會主席、牌照委員會主席、 第28條調查小組主席及監管局副主席。. 廖女士 ...

  6. EAA > Licensing > Licence list > Licence Detail. 主頁. 關於監管局. 考試. 發牌. 規管. 投訴. 紀律研訊. 持續專業進修計劃.

  7. Press Release. The EAA Board Appoints the Chairpersons of Standing Committees and Panel. (20 November 2018) The Board of the Estate Agents Authority (“EAA”) held its meeting today and appointed the chairpersons of its five standing committees and one panel to oversee the various aspects of the EAA work.

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