雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Carol Surface is Apple’s chief People officer, responsible for overseeing the global People strategy for employees worldwide. Learn more about Carol.

  2. Craig Federighi is Apple’s senior vice president of Software Engineering, reporting to CEO Tim Cook. Craig oversees the development of iOS and macOS. His teams are responsible for delivering the software at the heart of Apple’s innovative products, including the user interface, applications and frameworks.

  3. Adrian Perica. Vice President. Corporate Development. Adrian Perica is Apple’s vice president of Corporate Development, reporting to CEO Tim Cook. Adrian is responsible for the company’s mergers, acquisitions and strategic investing efforts.

  4. Senior Vice President. Retail. Deirdre O’Brien is Apple’s senior vice president of Retail, reporting to CEO Tim Cook. As the leader of Apple’s retail store and online teams, Deirdre supports their work to create exceptional experiences for millions of Apple customers around the world.

  5. Apple 网页页脚 1. 2024 年 6 月 3 日前,以符合条件的 iPhone 换购符合条件的新 Apple 设备,可享额外折抵优惠。额外折抵优惠金额范围为 RMB 100 至 RMB 500。需要遵守 Apple 的折抵服务合作伙伴的其他 条款。 折抵换购服务由 Apple 的折抵服务合作伙伴提供。

  6. Apple 的硬件和软件经过协同设计,带来了出色的增强现实体验。. 先进的摄像头、绚丽的显示屏、运动传感器、性能强大的图形处理器,再加上基于用户使用习惯的机器学习技术,和前沿的开发者工具,让这种体验栩栩如生、引人入胜。. 而且,对增强现实的支持 ...

  7. 她是一位杰出的领导者,而且从一开始就是我们全球零售业务团队的重要伙伴。 我很激动能与 Deirdre 在新的岗位上并肩共事,相信我们的 70,000 名零售员工也会为此欣喜不已。 Apple 零售业务兼人力高级副总裁 Deirdre O’Brien 表示:“每位加入 Apple 的员工都希望在这里一展所长。 我们遍布全球的零售团队在每天与顾客的每次互动中,都表现出巨大的热情。 能与这样才华横溢、多元化、充满想象力的团队一起工作,并向他们学习,是一生中难得的机会。 我对这段新的旅程充满期待,同时也希望能不负众望,继续带领人力团队为 Apple 所有出色的员工提供支持。 在 Apple 拥有 30 年资深经验的 Deirdre O’Brien 将同时领导 Apple 零售业务和人力团队。

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