雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 唔使等新卡到手 簽賬著數已經在手 可以Shop住賺回贈,聽到都興奮!但係新卡未到手? 即使新卡未到手都一樣可以shop住賺回贈!畀您更快享盡優惠!只要申請已獲批核,您就可以喺Citi Mobile ® App啟動虛擬版信用卡/扣賬卡 *,兼隨即喺網上或者店舖簽賬,未有實體卡一樣可以簽盡購物樂趣!

  2. Citibank網上理財. 升級版Citibank網上理財為您提供更簡單、更快捷嘅理財體驗,等您有更多時間好好享受生活。. - 全新設計嘅服務選單,令您更輕易搵到您需要嘅銀行服務 - 您可以喺「設定及其他」管理所有賬戶設定同服務,包括個人資料詳情,電子月結單、卡及 ...

  3. 合資格客戶需於同一階段內憑Citi信用卡累積合資格外幣簽賬相等於HK$3,000或以上,方可於相關階段之合資格外幣簽賬獲得6%簽賬回贈 (「優惠1」)。. 合資格客戶不論使用多少張Citi 信用卡簽賬,每階段最多可享HK$450額外回贈,由優惠1可享之額外回贈最多為HK$900 ...

  4. Citibank Online is now upgraded and improved to bring you a hassle-free digital banking experience. Managing your finances have never been easier, with more extensive banking features, we give you control over your finances and the ability to self-serve in real-time, at your convenience. Key features at a glance.

  5. Citi信用卡現金透支服務 讓您隨時隨地提取現金. 產品資料概要. 如果您突然需要一筆額外現金以應付突如其來嘅開支點算好?. 只要你有Citi信用卡就可以喺全球 任何Citibank或支援相關發卡機構網絡嘅自動櫃員機即時透支現金,助您輕鬆應急 !. 助你隨時提取現金 ...

  6. 日日買日日都有得賺!. 憑Citi HKTVmall信用卡喺HKTVmall超級市場買精選貨品滿HK$300, 即賞您高達 15%獎賞 。. 今日買完,聽日又可以再掃貨,賺盡精彩著數. 日日享高達15%獎賞. - 於HKTVmall購買約3,000 超級市場 熱門貨品滿HK$300可享 10% Mall Dollar 回贈. - 星期三/四/五額外 ...

  7. Reach your financial goals—from buying a new car to starting a family. Track your progress in 7 categories - from saving for a trip to buying a new car. You can also set your total wealth target. You should seek advice from your professional advisors as to your particular tax position, including but not limited to estate duty and withholding ...

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