雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 傳統藥物只能暫時壓抑病情且副作用大、骨髓移植不易找到配對且風險大。. 若不加以適當治療,一般三至五後轉為急性,然後半年至一年內死亡。. 主要以外科手術切除,但部份病人切除後仍然復發。. 因此我們需要:「加以域」. 能減少體內有問題的癌細胞,延長生命 ...

  2. 醫社齊合作,病人自強不息, 實踐由「它」到「他」到「他們」. 港島東醫院聯網 家庭醫學及基層醫療服務 副顧問醫生 楊偉民醫生 基督教靈實協會 團隊隊長 佩蕙女士 基督教靈實協會 計劃社工 陳詠珊女士. Escalating Service Demand. Increase in Chronic patients’ Headcount ...

    • Keynote Speech 主題演講
    • Plenary Session 專題演講
    • Seminar 1: Walk with You(th) 講座一:與你(青少年)同行
    • Seminar 2: Innovative It in Practice 講座二:創新科技 健康護理
    • Seminar 3: Hand-In-Hand We Care - Transition from Hospital to Home 講座三:醫社攜手 安頤在家
    • Seminar 4: Healthy Aging @ Community 講座四:逆轉「機」齡@社區

    The challenges of increasing longevity and the importance of health and welfare collaboration 長壽的挑戰與醫社合作的重要性 Dr. C K LAW, GBS, JP, Secretary for Labour and Welfare, Labour and Welfare Bureau, HKSAR...

    Technology in Community Healthcare - too much enthusiasms but too little successes? 拓展社區醫療創科的狂熱與挑戰 Dr. CP WONG, JP, Ex-Service Director (Primary & Community Health Care) Hong Kong East Cluster, Hos...
    Health and Social Collaborative Care that Empowering Stroke Families: A Two-Tier Care-Management Intervention 醫社共生支援中風家庭:雙層個案管理干預 Dr. Vivian LOU, Director, Sau Po Centre on Ageing, Associate Profes...
    Cultivating Love and Compassion: The Role of Social Care Team in Non-Cancer EoLC 友愛伴行:社區照顧團隊的支援非癌症晚期疾病家庭的角色 Prof. Cecilia CHAN, JP, Director of JCECC Project, and Si Yuen Chair Professor in Health...
    Adolescent Mental Wellness and Suicide in Hong Kong 香港青少年情緒及自殺問題 Dr. LIU Kwong Sun, Sunny, Specialist Psychiatrist in private practice, Associate Director of the Centre for Suicide Research and Pre...
    Early Identification & Intervention of High Risk Students - Caritas Jockey Club "Life Coaching" Community Support Network 高危學生的辨識和介入 - 明愛賽馬會「家。友。導航」社區伙伴計劃 Ms. CHUI Wing Han, Project Officer, Carita...
    I M Happy, School Intervention and Mental Health Awareness for Psychologically Prone Youths Teen 情青少年精神健康在校支援計劃 Mr. Thomas FUNG, RSW, Youth Mental Health School Project, Team Leader, Baptist Oi Kwa...
    Enhancing Psychological Resilience of Junior Secondary School Students: A pilot study 提升初中學生心理抗逆力: 先導計劃 Prof Ho Yu CHENG, Assistant Professor, The Nethersole School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine,...
    Evolution of Smart Healthcare with IoT and Sharing Data 物聯網、共享數據及智慧健康 Mr. Clube NG, Chairman, Industry Liaison & Partnership SIG, Smart City Consortium, Co-opted Board Member, eHealth Consortium, C...
    A pilot evaluation of a Tele health project on self-care management among community dwelling older adults with long term conditions 評估「康雲@健康計劃」遙距健康監察服務: 先導計劃 Mr. Mark TSUI, Team Leader (Integrated...
    Using mobile technology to self-monitor and -manage diabetes and hypertension 使用移動科技來自我監控和管理糖尿病和高血壓 Dr. Calvin Kalun OR, Associate Professor & Assistant Head, Department of Industrial & Manufacturi...
    Use of information technology in diabetic patients care 資訊科技於糖尿患者護理之應用 Dr. W S WONG, Associate Consultant (Medicine), North District Hospital 北區醫院 內科部 副顧問醫生 黃渭湘醫生
    Side by Side We Share 醫社並肩 關愛共傳 Ms. MAK Hoi Man, Registered Nurse, Community Outreach Team, Wong Chuk Hang Hospital Ms. CHENG Lai Bing, Assistant Supervisor, Enhanced Home and Community Care Servic...
    Win-win We are work together 三方協作 醫社同行 Ms. Donna TSE, Ward Manager, Community Geriatric Assessment Team, Ruttonjee & Tang Shiu Kin Hospitals Mr. Ben LI, Team Leader, Enhanced Home and Community Car...
    Dementia Community Support Scheme practical sharing 智友醫社實務分享 Ms. AU Lai Ming, Lina, Advanced Practice Nurse (Psychiatry) , Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital Ms. TSUE Ying Lan, Bonnie, Ming Y...
    The use of mindfulness-based intervention for stress reduction in the family caregivers of people with dementia (Collaborated with HKYWCA) 靜觀干預用於減低認知障礙症照顧者的壓力 (合作伙伴:香港基督教女青年會) Mr. Patrick Pui Kin K...
    Jockey Club Frailty Prevention Campaign 賽馬會全城起動防衰老計劃 Ms. Jenny CHENG, Service Manager, Jockey Club CADENZA Hub 賽馬會流金匯 服務經理 鄭小慧女士 Jockey Club Frailty Prevention Campaign 賽馬會全城起動防衰老計劃 Ms. Lily TSANG,...
    Community Health Academy ~~~ Report Card 社區健康醫學堂 ~~~ 成績表 Dr. Douglas CHAN, Chairman, Hong Kong East Community Network, HKMA 香港醫學會 港島東社區網絡 主席 陳念德醫生
    The 3rd Family Health Ambassador Training Programme - Frailty Prevention and Health Promotion 第三屆家庭健康大使培訓計劃 - 如何延緩衰老,促進健康 Ms. Cynthy SIU, Manager (Education), Peggy Lam Health Promotion and Educati...
    Patient Empowerment Program in GOPC 醫社齊合作,病人自強不息,實踐由「它」到「他」到「他們」 Dr. Yeung Wai Man, Raymond, Associate Consultant (Family Medicine & Primary Healthcare), Hong Kong East Cluster Ms. Connie TONG, Pro...
  3. www.healthyhkec.org › elderlycare › general預防摔跌

    2023年6月30日 · 機構名稱 相關主題 沙田威爾斯親王醫院 矯形外科及創傷學系 社區防跌行動 社區防趺行動專頁 預防再骨折 脆性骨折全方位 ...

  4. 香港大學 秀圃老年研究中心 總監 暨 社會工作及社會行政學系 副教授 樓瑋群博士. Dr. Vivian LOU, Director, Sau Po Centre on Ageing, Associate Professor, Department of Social Work and Social Administration, The University of Hong Kong. 「劃出彩虹」- 支援長期病患的晚期生活規劃. Empowerment on Care ...

  5. 12世紀初宋代東軒居士著. 《 衛濟寶書》,最早有“癌”一字之記錄,指出40歲以上的婦女易患此症,潰爛3年而死等. 1617 年《 外科正宗》對乳癌有具體描述. 中醫如何認識惡症腫瘤? 腫瘤如何形成? 氣滯、血瘀、痰濕、寒毒、熱毒. 腫瘤如何形成? 如何治療? 中醫在癌症紓緩治療 的角色. •透過合理、有目的地安排“全階段、個體化”的中醫綜合治療. 盡力輔助病人保存正氣,兼攻邪氣. 以爭取機體平衡、改善整體功能、 提高生存質量、遏制腫瘤. 帶瘤生存. 中醫抗癌的理念是什麼? 一.合理、有目的地安排 中醫紓緩治療的基礎. 辨症. 應付臨床 切身需要. 辨病. 處方、針灸、情緒管理...... 健康、平衡. 重視整體--辨西醫之病、更重視辨中醫之病. 辨證. 個體化治療.

  6. www.healthyhkec.org › SCE14 › seminars講座 Seminars | SCE14

    簡介 Introduction. 闡述長者健康關顧及復康服務,分享照顧者壓力之研究及建議,並介紹社區寧養服務。 To introduce the elderly care and rehabilitation services including palliative care service, and share the study on caregiver stress with recommendations. 主席 Chairmen. 東華東院 內科及復康科 副顧問醫生 梁浩程醫生. Dr. LEUNG Ho Ching, Associate Consultant (Medicine & Rehabilitation),Tung Wah Eastern Hospital.

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