雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2018年4月2日 · 我認為淺草的美好之處,在於當地民眾的爽朗性情。. 淺草的財產正是共同創造街區歷史、深具魅力的人們。. 當地民眾把淺草寺的後方區域稱作「觀音裏」,該處有許多私房名店。. 紅酒與法式料理相當美味的「Ça Va」,是讓人不想說出去的珍藏好店。. 而我 ...

  2. 2018年4月2日 · 梶原介(Kosuke Kajiwara). 人力车“惠比寿屋浅草店”所长. 梶原先生生于北海道,2005年成为车夫,在小樽、京都、镰仓等日本全国的观光胜地拉过人力车,之后在2009年成为惠比寿屋汤布院店的店长。. 他来到浅草5年,现作为所长,怀着对当地民众的感激之情 ...

    • World-Renowned Architects—Celebrated Structures by Four Japanese Architects
    • Kenzo Tange
    • Kisho Kurokawa
    • Tadao Ando
    • Kengo Kuma

    Let's go on a journey and explore the worlds of Kenzo Tange, Kisho Kurokawa, Tadao Ando, and Kengo Kuma—four internationally acclaimed Japanese architects whose masterly works breathe beauty into the metropolis of Tokyo.

    This distinctive hanging-roof structure was built for the 1964 Olympic Games and can be seen a short walk away from Harajuku Station. Today, it still serves as the stage for many sports events, as well as cultural events like concerts.

    Sekiguchi Catholic Church

    Completed in 1964, this cathedral is comprised of eight shell walls arranged in pairs to form a large cross when seen from above. The shape can also be recognized by looking up at the roof from within. The funeral of Tange himself was held in this interior, which rises to a peak of nearly 40 meters. The building is beautiful enough to look at from the outside, but as long as you're there, the solemn interior is worth a visit, too.

    Opened in 2007, this facility features a striking wavy facade. In addition to hosting exhibitions in its 14,000 m2 space, the largest display space in Japan, it also serves as an arts center with an archive and an educational program. Visitors are recommended to spend some time at the restaurant on the 3rd floor or one of at the cafes on the 1st and 2nd floors, which are designed to take in plenty of natural sunlight. ©The National Art Center, Tokyo

    Made to blend in harmony with the landscape, the building was designed to coincide with the height of the zelkova trees lining the street. An atrium stretching three floors above and below street level cuts through the commercial space, where tenants stand side by side along a gently rising spiral ramp that echoes the slope of Omotesando itself. The raw concrete walls and geometrical forms offer a glimpse of Ando's signature style. Photo by Mitsuo Matsuoka

    With a unique form featuring a roof made of giant steel plates that fold over and slope down to the ground, the building is an embodiment of Ando's wish to show the world that Japan is perpetually exploring new possibilities of design.

    Renovated in 2012, this facility stands out for its exterior combining glass and wood. The first and second floors offer tourist information, and the eighth floor terrace observatory commands a panoramic view of Asakusa with Tokyo Skytree in the distance. The building serves as a symbol of the new Asakusa.

    Ginza Kabukiza

    Rebuilt in 2013, this structure features a 16th-century Japanese-style exterior, and gorgeous interior design. Even visitors who choose not to watch a kabuki performance can enjoy the gallery and shops. Behind it is the 29-floor Kabukiza Tower: the tallest structure in the Ginza district.

  3. 2023年2月20日 · 東京導覽. 柴又. Updated: February 20, 2023. 富含魅力的懷舊街區. 位於東京東北部的柴又距離「上野」站只有幾站之遙,但來到這裡就讓人感覺彷彿回到往昔。 柴又還因是電影《男人真命苦》的背景而聞名。 一走出車站,就能看到再現電影主人公「阿寅」離開故鄉前回眸的「瘋癲的阿寅銅像」,及其妹妹的「目送的櫻花銅像」。 在電影中阿寅在全日本旅行卻總會回到柴又。 參道兩旁排列著許多傳統和菓子店與餐廳,一路延伸到有著引人注目的木造大門與精美法華經故事雕刻的「柴又帝釋天(題經寺)」。 寺廟後方則有「山本亭」,讓您在閑靜的環境中品茶。 交通方式. 可從京成金町線「柴又」站前往此地區。 從羽田機場前往:搭乘電車1小時20分鐘。 從成田機場前往:搭乘電車1小時30分鐘。

  4. 2020年3月27日 · 東京不僅有酒吧、平易近人的居酒屋、米其林星級的高檔餐廳、各式各樣的夜店(規模有大有小,背景音樂也從室、鐵克諾到嘻哈都有),也會舉辦各類音樂(爵士、搖滾、藍調、龐克)的現場演奏以及其他特別活動等,每天晚上都充滿歡樂的派對氛圍。

  5. 2019年11月5日 · 了解更多. 东京旅游官方网站GO TOKYO >. 东京旅游景点 >. 艺术・设计 >. 建筑物 >. 享誉全球的日本建筑大师. 丹下健三、黑川纪章、安藤忠雄、隈研吾是享誉全球的4位建筑大师。. 下面,让我们踏上探索建筑世界的旅程,感受大师们为东京这座大都市唤醒的建筑美。.

  6. 2024年5月16日 · 六本木:充满都会奢华气息,令人玩心大作的街区. Updated: May 16, 2024. 六本木拥有两种截然不同的面貌。. 一面是东京名列前茅的富人区,坐拥世界级美术馆、米其林餐厅以及众多高级精品店;另一面则是东京数一数二的繁华区,有着营业到深夜的各种 ...

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