雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 英文翻译 手机版. when are you off to. "你"英文翻译 you. "什么时候"英文翻译 when; whenever. "走"英文翻译 walk; go. "你什么时候来" 英文翻译 : what time will you come. "你什么时候在" 英文翻译 : when will you be in. "你什么时候出生的" 英文翻译 : when were you born. "你什么时候来找我 ...

  2. so as to的造句和例句: 1. I left a message so as to be sure of contacting her .我留下了张条子以便与她取得联系。. 2. He held the cup so as to catch the slowly falling drops .他捧起杯子去接那慢慢滴下来的水。. 内有更多更详细关于so as to的造句.

  3. 好感的英文翻译:good opinion; favorable impres…,查阅好感英文怎么说,好感的英语例句用法读音和详细解释。"抱好感" 英文翻译: cotton "有好感" 英文翻译: take a shine to "产品好感率" 英文翻译: product preference degree "产生好感" 英文翻译: develop a good impression; have a good impression

  4. be glad to do的造句和例句: 1. Yes , i would be glad to do it .,我很乐意做。. 2. I ll be glad to do your girlfriend , i ll be glad that you do time若是我身在诱惑的街若是我身在沈沦的午夜内有更多更详细关于be glad to do的造句.

  5. "for years" 中文翻译: 多年以来, 好多年; 好多年, 长时间 "in years" 中文翻译: 年老 "years" 中文翻译: 老了 "thanks to you (thanks to you)" 中文翻译: 谢谢你(谢谢你) "living" 中文翻译: adj. 1.活着的,生存着的;有生命的;在活动中[起作用]的;在

  6. a flash in the pan. no.every day is not sunday. pleasant hours fly past. the morning sun never last a day. "好景不长good" 英文翻译 : times do not last long. scenery. "好景不长盛宴难再" 英文翻译 : every day is not sunday. "淘金盆里的反光 (空欢喜一场,好景不长)" 英文翻译 : flash in the pan.

  7. 踏踏实实的英文翻译:(do things) in a thoroughgoing…,查阅踏踏实实英文怎么说,踏踏实实的英语例句用法读音和详细解释。"踏实" 英文翻译: 1.(切实; 不浮躁) dependable; steady and sure; earnest 工作踏实 be steadfast in one's work; be a steady worker; 学习踏实 be very thorough in one's studies2.(安定) free from anxiety; (feel) at ease 睡 ...