雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. SpineCare Performance - The Posture Premier collection provides quality support thanks to our patented coil design, enabling micro-adjustments to fulfil the sleeping needs of different body types. Enhanced edge support increases the mattress’s useable area and durability, offering physical and mental wellbeing through comfort and value.

  2. Sealy床褥一直是全球五星酒店選用的床褥,提供優質床褥、床架及睡枕。擁過百年悠久歷史,澳洲自設廠房,具備多項專利彈簧技術,圍邊技巧更可加大床褥使用面積,讓您每晚享受五星級的舒適睡眠及優質承托。

  3. 9個小錦囊 輕鬆策劃夢想安樂窩. 計劃、計劃、計劃. 如果您不計劃,遲早會浪費您的金錢和時間。 沒有事前計劃,會有重做或出現設計風格不一致的風險。 無論您決定打造豪華的5星級家居,或是平實簡約家居,計劃都是非常重要的,計劃內容須包括整體家居風格、固定裝置和配件的位置、具品味的油漆顏色、窗簾和燈光照明等。 任何計劃的第一步,都是先決定您的家居裝修目標,再想如何提升家居至5星級氛圍。 您可先想想每個房間的理想樣子,以及夢想家居有哪些必備要點,然後再將這些元素混搭在一起。 另外,您亦需要考慮以下幾項事情. 空間的運用. 您喜歡的風格? 是否需要更多的燈光照明? 以廚房為本還是需要的額外浴室? 切記這將會是您的最終 Wishlist,因此請盡您所能鉅細無遺地記下所有細節。 製作Mood Board.

  4. 著名驗樓師 詹濟南 - 香港專業驗樓學會(詹Sir)驗樓就睇得多,今次破天荒教大家揀一張高質嘅床褥。詹 Sir 根據五大驗床標準,結構、耐用、安全、舒適及美觀,點評SEALY床褥。有無想過床都有「實用面積」? 市場罕有嘅鈦合金彈簧會提升舒適度? 一張好的床褥,應該連扶手位及床褥包邊細節位都 ...

  5. PostureCare Optimal. From HK$6,480. PostureCare Optimal is an extra-firm mattress that provides sturdy support and creating a gentle cradling sensation. PostureTech® coils distribute weight and pressure so your spine remains aligned, helping your muscles relax for a truly restful sleep. Posture Premier Collection.

  6. Quality bedframes improve mattress performance and increase durability. Drawing on advanced design concepts, Sealy’s Hotel Boxspring spreads weight evenly and absorbs movement to minimise wear and tear and extend mattress lifespan. Now you can sleep better for longer. From HK$ 5,760.

  7. Our Hotel Comfort Pillow provides the support to help relax your shoulder and neck muscles. With its highly breathable fabric, no matter which sleeping position (s) you prefer, Hotel Comfort Pillow delivers an unparalleled, hotel-grade sleeping experience. HK$ 800 - 950. Store Location. Buy now.