雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Service Hours. Tuesday to Saturday. 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. of the next day. (service hours will be adjusted according to the community needs) Sunday and Public Holidays. Closed. Services for Young Night Drifters.

    • sspchtc@hkcs.org
    • 2729 6330
    • 2729 8218
  2. Background and Objectives. Jockey Club Lodge of Rising Sun (LRS) has been providing drug abusers with in-patient and out-patient treatment and rehabilitation services since 2003. Under the influence of drugs, drug abusers suffer from setbacks and alienation, affecting their self-image seriously and undermining their potentials.

    • jclrs@hkcs.org
    • 2468 0044
    • 2468 0555
  3. Service Introduction. We provide intensive counselling and supportive service to different marginal groups. Drug treatment includes residential and outpatient models. Our drug counselling centre and youth outreaching team began providing services in 1980s and they are the pioneers of the services. Service Objectives.

  4. 簡介「長發安老院」位於青衣長發邨,於1991年開始投入服務,為配合長者的照顧需要,於2014年轉型為持續照顧院舍,共提供80個宿位。 本著「持續照顧」的理念及「以人為本」的服務宗旨,本院為社會福利署「安老服務統一評估機制」下被評為中度缺損的長者提供住宿照顧,按其需要提供適切的 ...

  5. 這一套給兒童編製的鬆弛練習,是由多位資深臨床心理學家,根據他們多年輔導兒童的經驗,撰寫而成的。 內附畫冊和雷射光碟,結集了不同的鬆弛練習技巧,一起儲集力量去克服緊張和壓力。 作者簡介. 香港心理學會臨床心理學組於1982年成立,是一個科研學會及專業團體,所有會員皆為修畢碩士或以上程度的臨床心理學家。 該會的其中一項宗旨,乃希望透過推廣心理學的知識,提昇大眾的心理健康水平。 過往,該會亦曾因此出版各類不同的書刊,其中,專為成年人而設的《身心鬆弛練習》大受歡迎。 若大家希望進一步了解該會工作,請瀏覽該會網址 (此連結將開啟新視窗) 。 查詢/ 訂購. 下載訂購表格. 返回.

  6. Introduction. The rapid increase in the number of psychotropic substance abusers attracted much public attention in the mid-80s. PS33 was established in March 1988, which became the first centre that provides non-residential detoxification and counselling services for psychotropic substance abusers.

  7. 香港基督教服務處使命宣言 信念 扎根基督信仰 回應上主呼召 效法基督 服侍社群 我們扎根於基督信仰,回應上主的呼召,並以道成肉身、進入人群、無私服侍的耶穌基督作榜樣。我們勉力行公義、好憐憫、存謙卑的心,與上帝同行,尋求建立正義、和平與仁愛的社會,讓弱勢社群也能經歷上主的 ...