雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. TSANG Yu Shan, Violet - Cheng & Cheng Limited. Violet is Senior Tax Manager of the Firm. Upon graduation from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, she started her career in taxation services. She has experience of over 10 years and her client portfolio covers listed corporations, multinational enterprises and local firms.

  2. 郭勳賢在2021年9月中旬夥拍鄭鄭集團前,擔任寶德隆企業服務 (香港)有限公司之執行董事兼企業秘書部主管,以及寶德隆證券登記有限公司之董事。. 在此之前,彼於麗新集團擔任集團公司秘書一職,該集團包含5間分別於香港聯合交易所有限公司 (「 香港聯交所 ...

  3. 審計服務. 根據香港公司條例 (第六百二十二章),在香港註冊成立的有限公司每年均需要委任一位獨立的執業會計師為其審核該年度的賬目。. 此外,香港稅務條例 (第一百一十二章)更規定所有在香港註冊的有限公司要在其呈交的利得稅申報表中附上其核數師 ...

  4. Cheng & Cheng Limited is a professional Hong Kong based accounting firm. With many years experience in the financial sector, Cheng & Cheng Limited and its group companies aim to provide the best personal service we can to our valued customers.

  5. 鄭康祺及鄭康祥兩位合夥人憑著多年來對工作的熱誠與進取使公司不斷擴張,員工人數由開業的十人增加到目前超越二百五十人,當中有不少是註冊會計師。

  6. Director – LUI Chun Yip, Jerry. Jerry Lui joined the firm in 2014 as Audit Manager and was appointed to the board of directors in 2018. He started his career in auditing after obtaining his degree in accountancy from Hong Kong Baptist University in 2007. Jerry has more than 15 years of experience in auditing and accounting.

  7. Director – HO Wan Nei, Cloudy. Cloudy Ho joined Cheng & Cheng Limited as Audit Trainee after her graduation from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2005. During her time with the firm, she has gained numerous experience in auditing, taxation and consultations. In 2018, she was promoted to Partner and joined the board of Cheng & Cheng Limited.