雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Under the same temperature conditions, the HKHI will be lower with lower humidity, weaker solar radiation, or stronger winds. For example, on 14 September 2022, it was sunny and very dry in Hong Kong with a maximum temperature of 35.5 degrees Celsius recorded at the Observatory.

  2. 霜 凍 警 告 狀 況. 現 時 並 無 發 出 霜 凍 警 告。. | 版 權 及 聲 明 | 主 頁 | 英文版本 / English Version |.

  3. 2022年12月16日 · 當寒冷的冬季季候風影響香港,有時會天晴乾燥,有時卻帶來陰雨天氣,這就是所謂「乾凍」和「濕凍」。. 究竟為何「濕凍」會特別凍?. 「香港濕凍世界第一」的說法又是否有根據?. 新一集『氣象冷知識』會為大家詳細講解。. 影片已上載到『我的 ...

  4. 2021年3月12日. 踏入2021年,天文台根據世界氣象組織的相關指引,編制了一套新的香港30年氣候平均值。 新一集『氣象冷知識』為大家解釋在氣候學上「正常」的意思。 影片已上載到『我的天文台』流動應用程式及天文台網站,歡迎收看。 氣候新常態. Share. Climate change • Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns.

  5. The Very Hot Weather Warning has been issued by the Hong Kong Observatory at 8:30 a.m. Under the influence of prolonged heat, members of the public should stay on the alert to prevent heat stroke or other discomforts related to very hot weather and pay due attention to health conditions.

  6. Date & Time, Location. The Hong Kong Observatory is a government department responsible for monitoring and forecasting weather, as well as issuing warnings on weather-related hazards.

  7. Bring along water and sunscreen. Reduce prolonged exposure under sunlight. Ensure good air ventilation in indoor environment. Beware of health and wellbeing of elderly or persons with chronic medical conditions. If you know of them, call or visit them occasionally to check if they need any assistance.