雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 年頭到而家個市都keep住上上落落,有少少資產嘅朋友,都會諗到揸返啲金用嚟避險再搏升幅。. 雖然金價喺3月突然一插,嚇咗大家一跳,但而家睇返就知咩叫真金不怕洪爐火,金價係咁咦跌兩嘢,之後就係咁升,咁多樣資產之中,黃金作為避險之王,真係冇得輸 ...

  2. 招數1:面對大Project唔使驚,分階段KO佢!. 有大Project落到自己手,可以將個Project「斬件」 —— 分成幾個階段,並且為每一個階段Set一個Deadline,方便自己逐步實踐,同時亦可以評估工作進度!. 如果發現某一個階段嘅工作比較難,可以先完成其他階段嘅工作後 ...

  3. Citibank「基金捷報」服務讓您隨時隨地都可透過電子郵件,即時獲悉基金組合的最新價格,簡易方便,助您靈活捕捉每個投資先機。 現開戶並申請股票服務更可享.

  4. Open a Citigold Private Client and a Citi NextGen account to enjoy up to HK$65,300 rewards. Apply Now > Refer your Friends, and earn Rewards. Citigold Private Client is offered exclusive access to private banking and wealth management services worldwide. Achieve your financial goals with us.

  5. Citi Cash Back Card is designed with a host of powerful features. Access the features and enjoy the ease of making payments at your convenience. The cards also offer a wide range of privileges to facilitate a wholesome experience. “PayLite” Installment Program.

  6. 首屈一指嘅安全交易系統. Mastercard ® 領導全球嘅交易保安技術,杜絕詐騙及未授權交易,讓您每次消費都能安心無憂。 捉緊先機優先預訂. 憑 Citi 信用卡優先預訂城中最新盛事門票。 借定唔借? 還得到先好借! 條款及細則: 所列網站將連結到第三者網站。 當進入網站,所有您提供的資料將受制於第三者網站的有關條款。 花旗銀行(香港)有限公司對該網站之內容及閣下使用有關內容一切概不負責。 *由於信用卡資訊會更新,請記得更新您嘅定期付款 (如屋企雜費﹑保費及電訊費用等) 或其他自動轉賬嘅相關設定。 否則,它們將會喺舊卡到期時被取消而引致未能支付。 More. 轉變,即將來臨。

  7. Citigold’s Premier Banking Services offer end-to-end solutions tailor-made for all your wealth needs. A dedicated relationship manager and a team of financial advisors will guide you through the myriad financial decisions you make on a daily basis.